I am trying to see if I can sum some of this up for my understanding. This is my key takeaways from the
@Sudipta setup:
- No CO2 injection
- RO-DI water Remineralized to 0-1 KH and about 6 GH,
- pH approx. 5.75.
- low 70'ties temperature (I suppose this could be 73F ?)
- Very low water column nutrients <5 ppm nitrate, phosphate <1 ppm.
- Rich ADA Amazonia approx. 3 inch. deep
- Ammonia containing root tabs ever 1-2 months. (no word on specific product or amount/sq area)
- Nilocg ThriveS ("very small amounts of N and P, but decent K, Fe etc.") - (no exact info on dosing schedule, but can be deduced from the <5 ppm of nitrate I suppose)
- Light: Chihiros wrgb2 120-150+ PAR at the substrate level!
- Weekly 40% WC with gentle substrate cleaning
- No/infrequent uprooting
- Somewhat oversized filtration (HOB) (supposedly to provide adequate flow of co2/nutrient distribution.)
I hope I am representing the conditions correctly, but please let me know otherwise. That doesn't really sound
too terribly hard to me. What's your thoughts on this
@GreggZ ?
Do you know which root tabs he is using btw.?