@Geoffrey Rea &
@plantnoobdude Excuse my ignorance what is Tropica TPN+ ? - I that what Tropica Specialized used to be called in the UK or something?
TPN+ = Tropica Plant Nutrition Plus
This is why there is some head scratching occurring
The ‘Happi Dosing Method’ is TPN+ dosing at recommended levels for high tech systems with extra confusion (descriptions across a thousand posts plus, two threads and from different members).
Did ask at the beginning of the last thread whether TPN+ was what was being referred to as a proxy for lean dosing… ALL the way back in the beginning.
Then it’s suggested (I think, not quite sure) that this could then be combined with no Co2 and high light to test? Is that appraisal correct?
Tanks with those attributes have found themselves regularly in the ‘algae help’ section before, hence why we’re in dialogue asking
how this lean dosing thingy me jiggy is different? Then Sudipta’s tank…
@GreggZ suggestion of investigating the tank
@Sudipta has running gives you an example of a tank with attributes you’re interested in, ready made. Definitely seems like the tank to focus on if the above appraisal is correct and you are both local to each other.
You stated what
@Sudipta does already:
This is my key takeaways from the @Sudipta setup:
- No CO2 injection
- RO-DI water Remineralized to 0-1 KH and about 6 GH,
- pH approx. 5.75.
- low 70'ties temperature (I suppose this could be 73F ?)
- Very low water column nutrients <5 ppm nitrate, phosphate <1 ppm.
- Rich ADA Amazonia approx. 3 inch. deep
- Ammonia containing root tabs ever 1-2 months. (no word on specific product or amount/sq area)
- Nilocg ThriveS ("very small amounts of N and P, but decent K, Fe etc.") - (no exact info on dosing schedule, but can be deduced from the <5 ppm of nitrate I suppose)
- Light: Chihiros wrgb2 120-150+ PAR at the substrate level!
- Weekly 40% WC with gentle substrate cleaning
- No/infrequent uprooting
- Somewhat oversized filtration (HOB) (supposedly to provide adequate flow of co2/nutrient distribution.)
To which he agrees:
Everything seems correct to me.
And added:
I would just like to add that precycling the tank without lights for couple of weeks (even more for ADA Amazonia V1) will help a lot to discourage diatoms and thread algae.
Once the Ammonia reading is around 1ppm or lower then it should be safe to plant. You would still have to do frequent water changes intially after planting (2-3 times a week, 70% or more) for another couple of weeks if you are using Amazonia ver 1.
Keep the lights low (about 25% intensity, probably around 30 PAR at the substrate) for couple of weeks after planting and then increase slowly with time. If you plant dense (some fast growing stems will help a lot) then you should not face any major algae issues intially.
I have tried Osmocote with good results. I am still using Osmocote is some of my tanks. However, I am also using ADA bottom plus in my smaller tanks. I think they both work equally well. Both have high amounts of Ammonia.
He isn’t using TPN+ dosing though, so struggling to understand why that keeps appearing. Many would argue, and have argued, that the substrate matters an awful lot. But then there’s comments that say it’s optional:
rich substrate if youd like.
High ammonia containing soils also have drawbacks at startup, which once again
@Sudipta has kindly let us know about, but he doesn’t say that was a cause of algal problems, that’s my own interpretation:
I agree that I haven't posted any pictures showing algae problems or other issues. However, I did mention in my original post at TPT how I struggled with alage when I setup the 20 gal tank.
He does say pre-cycling the tank without lights is important (dark start) until ammonia levels are around 1ppm before planting, which one would assume is to prevent algal problems.
Supposedly you are using TPN+ dosing as well
@MichaelJ unless
@plantnoobdude is mistaken:
that is why @MichaelJ is using TPN in his tank currently.
There seems to be all sorts of interpretations flying about which is a little confusing to say the least.
Journals are concise and only from the authors mouth which is why that suggestion keeps coming up, to mitigate any confusion.
If you aren’t using TPN+ then the suggestion in post #248 is also pointless 🤷🏻♂️