Although an interesting conversation it does diverge somewhat from the actual topic, and it seems the OP is a little lost on what he is actually trying to achieve,
Nope. I am not lost at all. I know exactly what I want to achieve:
Not sure why you think I am lost on that goal...
and is others that are pushing ideals into the mix as "new techniques" that actually everyone is doing it, and there is a lot of contradition by OP
Not a lot of contradictions as far as I can tell... Well, if the fact that I am listening, learning and tweaking my perception in light of new Information on certain aspects, amount to
a lot of contractions, well so be it... I am actually happy that my mind have that flexibility!
🙂 I wish more people would be just a tad more open-minded
and others in this thread, specially when it comes to the "lean" dosing approach that is nothing new and as suggested and shown evidence by many a comercially available fertelizer actually does the same thing, and the couple of examples that have been provided do rely on a lot of parameters in order to achieve some of the results mentioned and the evidence is somewhat lacking!
We never said there weren't any string attached - that was made pretty clear in the original post ... see below for more...
Like the OP mentioned to me, the more he looks into the Happi method that's what started all this conversation the more he realises that it comes with a lot of strings attached, such as the use of NH4 and Urea, low GH and almost no KH, low PH, low temps, mature or rich substrate!
@Happi @Sudipta et al. never told us otherwise... It was always abundantly clear to me, that this is not for a straight-tap tank that uses 20 GH/20 KH, 8.2 pH water and very high temperatures... It's a framework as I see it,
requiring the use of certain compounds (NH4 and/or Urea in small quantities... heck, everything is in small quantities... ), soft acidic water, somewhat lower temps. rich/mature substrate and a bunch of other prerequisites.
At the end of the day very few will be able to reach theses paramenters for very little gain!
Yep, that was pretty much covered by the original post and have been repeated here. The "very little gain!" bit is a matter of opinion, your opinion not mine... for me being able to grow more challenging stem plants is a huge gain for me and my enjoyment of this hobby!
and for an actual aquascaper that wants to turn around scapes quickly this is obsolete, this it more for the long term plant keeper, I have run a tank with no CO2 and heavy planted for over a decade without any issues, I have grown in the past carpert of staurogyne for example. For me is just to have something that looks good to me and keeps healthy and that snails and shrimp are also healthy!
Perfectly fine.
Horses for courses... We never talked about this being suitable for aquacapers who often only run their tanks for say 6 month, tear down, rinse, repeat. That is indeed great, just not what I want to accomplish. I want long term success with each tank I set up and generally make very few changes along the way.
I have seen here evidence that when things go wrong chemicals are pumped into the tank to resolve the issues (liquid carbon, etc...) which then also gives the tank and plants a boost for sometime, and like we preach on UKAPS a LOT, keep on top of your maintenance if you want a nice and algae free tank.
The conversation seems to go around in circles and some members that reply tend to ignore some of the things that are being said and just re-write the same thing over and over again using different words to make it sounds more than it actually is!
We occasionally have posts (including from myself) like that, yes... I suppose it's just a testament to the fact that this generates a lot of discussions very quickly that can be hard to sort out. Heck, we are at +300 posts and counting in 6 days... There are bound to be some overlap, repetitiveness and missed posts etc.
Hopefully the OP has taken his medication and will have a clear view of what he is trying to do!!!
No "medication" yet as it is just barely afternoon here in Minnesota

... but just to reiterate:
I want to grow more challenging stem plants in a low-tech (i.e. NO-CO2 injection) environment - If I can get anywhere close to what
@macek.g and others have accomplished I will be a very happy hobbyist and so will my livestock - being in waters with parameters much closer to the natural habitats they evolved in! ... How is this not clear?
Paulo, my friend, I absolutely do not mind being in the
firing line of good jokes and banter - I am usually the one having the most fun (pre- and post "medication"

) when that happens in actual social interactions... but I don't really fancy being labelled as
lost or "not clear" in this context, when it's quite clear what the objectives are and that I just want to learn more on how I and others can achieve our goals and increase the chance of success. Anyway, let's more on from this and concentrate on the topic here.
The last few last days especially after
@Sudipta graciously have joined the conversation I think I have learned more and gained more confidence in this approach... yes, more confidence... I also think a lot of the more skeptical voices here have added a lot of good and more relevant input to this conversation recently.