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Oase BioMaster Thermo External Filter

U do have a 3 year warranty and might just be unlucky I do make a point of cleaning the impela out monthly so no glogs as for air not sure about that one
It should not be necessary to clean the impeller monthly ... I've run Eheims where the impeller has been checked annually (no cleaning required as there is only a thin biofilm) or not at all for 3 years
Presently while I might like to say that I check my filters every 1-2 months, the reality is more like 6 months 😳
OTOH they run just fine 😉
Just wanted to add to this thread to comment on the air bubble issues. I did an experiment and noticed that removing the pre filter foams has stopped the air bubble issues. When I took them out, only a few days after cleaning, they were pretty clogged up (bits of plants and general mess). My guess is the restricted in-flow to the impeller is causing it to suck in air somehow, perhaps it causes a higher negative pressure inside and some leaks in through the o-rings. No idea how it actually works, but that is my experience, so if anyone else has this issue give it a try and see if it helps. Going to try and get some 30ppi pre filter foams so hopefully it won't clog so quickly.

I am still getting the weird sound every so often, emailed Oase yesterday but I have yet to hear back. Strangely, yesterday I heard the noise from the filter *after* I had turned it off?! Maybe it's the heater as it would have been very hot after a water change with slightly cooler water.
I have 30 ppi pre filters and only use 3 on it to help the flow u can get them from shrimp pro £8.99 for 4 free delivery too maybe the air gets in through the heater compartment it's hard to lock in and get
should not be necessary to clean the impeller monthly ... I've run Eheims where the impeller has been checked annually (no cleaning required as there is only a thin biofilm) or not at all for 3 years
Presently while I might like to say that I check my filters every 1-2 months, the reality is more like 6 months 😳
OTOH they run just fine 😉
Thanks alto il leave mine just like to take care of things lol
I have 30 ppi pre filters and only use 3 on it to help the flow u can get them from shrimp pro £8.99 for 4 free delivery too maybe the air gets in through the heater compartment it's hard to lock in and get

Thanks for the tip! I never thought of using less than the 6 it comes with, but I guess it makes sense to do this to prevent it clogging so quickly. I'll try and get some from shrimp pro 🙂

Hopefully I can get a response from Oase about the weird noise as that is the only problem I am having now. Here is what it sounds like if anyone was curious:


This clip was taken with the previous filter (the one that failed), but the sound is exactly the same on the new one.
I am still getting the weird sound every so often, emailed Oase yesterday but I have yet to hear back. Strangely, yesterday I heard the noise from the filter *after* I had turned it off?! Maybe it's the heater as it would have been very hot after a water change with slightly cooler water.

I have the same issue and I'm pretty sure it is the heater turning off. I thought mine came with a fault but looks like it's not the only one!
I have the same issue and I'm pretty sure it is the heater turning off. I thought mine came with a fault but looks like it's not the only one!

Ah interesting! I have had two of the same filters making the same noise, so I was wondering if it was some kind of design flaw or just "normal" operation. I do believe it's the heater too as I heard the noise about 10 seconds after I had everything turned off - It could be the element inside cooling down perhaps.

It's a bit worrying to me though as I had the heater fail already. The glass shattered, filled with water and the heater shorted. I just hope this sound isn't an indication of defective heaters!

They do the 6 pack too

Ah yes I did find them on eBay from shrimp pro in a 6 pack, I will order those. If they still clog quickly I will take 1 or 2 out to make sure the water can flow a bit better 🙂
I do get the gurgle sound but it is very rare and every now and again I get a big air flow from the Lilly out flow
I do get the gurgle sound but it is very rare and every now and again I get a big air flow from the Lilly out flow

I think the difference with what we are experiencing is that this sound doesn't coincide with air coming out from the filter. It just makes the noise and nothing else occurs, so I think it could be the heater like Diogo said. Bit of a weird one really, the only noise I have heard from heaters before is a little click when it goes on and off.
Hi all,
I did an experiment and noticed that removing the pre filter foams has stopped the air bubble issues. When I took them out, only a few days after cleaning, they were pretty clogged up (bits of plants and general mess). My guess is the restricted in-flow to the impeller is causing it to suck in air somehow, perhaps it causes a higher negative pressure inside and some leaks in through the o-rings. No idea how it actually works, but that is my experience, so if anyone else has this issue give it a try and see if it helps. Going to try and get some 30ppi pre filter foams so hopefully it won't clog so quickly.
I use a really big block of PPI10 or PPI20 foam, it still needs cleaning on a regular basis, but it stops low flow issues.

These ones.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
Darrel where do u get them.from
Koi places. I get them from <"Rainbow Koi" in Melksham">, because it is just down the road from me, but they are well reviewed via ebay

The blocks come in a range of sizes from 4" x 4" x 4" cube up to 12" x 4" x 4".

I always buy the large ones and then cut them down to size.

cheers Darrel
I get very similar ones to Darrel's, coarse ones and they work great. No flow reduction whatsoever. The only thing is I need to make the hole myself which is very easy 😉 My external filters are also almost only sponges as media, for years now without any issues and in fact I consider it the best media I've used. They all work well cycling a tank but there's something about sponges keeping my water spotless.
Hi all,I use a really big block of PPI10 or PPI20 foam, it still needs cleaning on a regular basis, but it stops low flow issues.

These ones.

cheers Darrel

Nice! I will try those if these 30ppi foams get clogged easily. So far they seem to be doing well.

I heard from Oase regarding the sound, it is apparently the heater turning on and off. Kind of a weird sound in my opinion, but I guess it might be because the top of the heater is poking out of the canister, unlike an in-tank heater where it would be submerged and reducing the sound.

Might look for another 300w heater to see if these can be replaced with another brand which may not make this noise.
Well my issues with air bubbles have returned. I don't know why but every 10 mins it shoots out a load of bubbles 🙁 It's no way near the air stone and I even took out half the media to try and improve the flow in the filter to no avail. Anyone else getting this?
Well my issues with air bubbles have returned. I don't know why but every 10 mins it shoots out a load of bubbles 🙁 It's no way near the air stone and I even took out half the media to try and improve the flow in the filter to no avail. Anyone else getting this?

Are you running a surface skimmer? Mine shoots out air bubbles fairly often but my surface skimmer also draws a bit of air in so it's to be expected. I don't see it as an issue.
No, I don't have a skimmer, but I might need to, getting a build up of crud. Not really sure what to get as I like to keep equipment in the tank itself to a minimum (hence I have the thermo biomaster).

I did an experiment and removed the airstone from the tank (I don't use co2) and all the bubble problems have stopped. How the bubbles were getting into the inlet on the other side of the tank is beyond me, but that seems like the cause. After a week though I have started seeing wispy black algae appear on the plants, so I may have to put the air stone back :/
I’m quite upset at how bad my oase biomaster is. The flow is like a trickle. It’s great having the heater in the cannister but the flow rate is so bad I’m thinking of giving it away. I now have a eheim Pro 4 and oase biomaster I don’t want and don’t know what to buy next. The eheim is good but no thermal ones available in my country. My hydor in-line died and cant find replacemen, that’s why I bought the oase. I can’t stand a in tank heater especially in a smaller tank. But this thing sucks so bad. I replaced the intake pre filter sponges with the 35 ppi orange ones. Then I removed one of them as suggested in this thread. Then I removed them all.... maybe it’s becsuse I’m running bags of bio rio in the other chambers ? I did that in my eheim for years and it had heaps of flow. I’ve now removed so much media i can’t possibly remove anymore. I’ve cleaned the pipes more than I ever did with the eheim just to try and keep the flow at acceptable rate but to no avail. I’m tempted to test it to see what rate I’m getting cause it must be a third of advertised rate. Sorry for the rant but I’ve spent so much on filters and can’t get it right.