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Oase BioMaster Thermo External Filter

How about replacement tubing or other connectors,T pieces etc or extensions for 17mm? Their web site isn't that great, only tubing accessories I found was in the pond section, none of which is 17mm.

16/22 tubing is fine it's what I've used with Lilly pipes for 7 months :')

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Thanks, it's basically going to be a toss-up between the Oase Thermo or a JBL Crystalprofi e1501 with a Hydor heater plumbed in line.
Thanks, it's basically going to be a toss-up between the Oase Thermo or a JBL Crystalprofi e1501 with a Hydor heater plumbed in line.
I have no complaints with it. ultra quiet and pre filter is a 2 minute job which helps had x2 different ehiems and this out performs both imo

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Sorry to dredge up an old thread but I'm considering one of these to replace my Fluval 206 which has developed a leaky Aquastop within 18months. Which of these Oase filters would be best for a Juwel 180? I've seen a photo of one elsewhere squeezed tightly into the Juwel cabinet. I don't need the thermo version as I have a decent heater already.
The JBLe1501 is the biggest filter I could find that would squeeze into my Juwel 180 cabinet without having to remove door or undertake serious woodwork.
I'm also considering the thermo 600 or an eheim professional 4 600 (for a aquascaper 600) so any opinions from people who'v owned these 2 filters would be great! 🙂
Can’t fault oase. Top quality kit of you’re willing to spend the money!
Eheim are another great brand, always guaranteed to get spare parts though very rarely need them
I'm also considering the thermo 600 or an eheim professional 4 600 (for a aquascaper 600) so any opinions from people who'v owned these 2 filters would be great! 🙂
I have the biomaster 250 thermo on a 60x45x30 and it packs enough flow even with hose reducers (from 16mm to 13mm) and a sponge on the intake.
Probably it wouldn't hurt you to go bigger but you may have to turn the flow right down.

I am very happy with it, great costumer service, easy to clean and the integrated heater is great. Only downside is it's not 100% quiet, but I suspect my filter has a defect since many people comment on how silent it is.
If it isn't level it makes a noise try tilting a lil back and forth see if the noise stops as mine was s little rattley to start but levelled it out and noise stopped
I have the biomaster 250 thermo on a 60x45x30 and it packs enough flow even with hose reducers (from 16mm to 13mm) and a sponge on the intake.
Probably it wouldn't hurt you to go bigger but you may have to turn the flow right down.

I am very happy with it, great costumer service, easy to clean and the integrated heater is great. Only downside is it's not 100% quiet, but I suspect my filter has a defect since many people comment on how silent it is.
If it isn't level it makes a noise try tilting a lil back and forth see if the noise stops as mine was s little rattley to start but levelled it out and noise stopped
Thanks for the tip, unfortunately it didn't make much of a difference. I thought it may be because of the reduced flow from the sponge on the intake and prefilter etc.
So I tried once with original hoses and no sponges/media at all and it still made the same hum. Also asked Oase and they sent me a new rotor, it helped a bit but the noise is still noticeable.

I conclude either the pump is faulty or I have superhuman hearing!!

(May be the latter since noone else complains about it)
It's probably not just the filter itself, but the stand acting as an amplifier. Maybe try moving it round in the cabinet, or even adding a house brick/large stone next to it to damp the vibrationss
Hello, everyone!
I have Oase BioMaster Thermo 600 for my 200 liters planted aquarium in which I inject CO2 with an inline atomizer.
I see the following ... during the photoperiod when the CO2 is switched on,
the filter periodically throws out many balloonas.
As if he was throwing air into a trap, maybe it's air or CO2, I don't know.
Has anyone ever seen anything like that?
I've seen something like that in George Farmer's videos of his 600p aquarium, but with my filter it happens very often. Only during the dark period does not happen, but then the CO2 is off.

Sorry for my English
Hi I have a co2 atomizer in my oase bio master is ur atomizer on the inflow or outflow mine was on the inflow and gas collected on the pre filter then injected in to the tank with bigger bubble so I changed to out flow and now have a fine mist
Hey guys, new here but found this thread whilst googling, thought I would chip in with my experience.

I kept goldfish (aka plant destroyers!) for over a decade but at the end of last year my last really old one passed so I decided to strip down the tank and redo it as a tropical tank. Got a Biomaster 600T and it was a great piece of kit. Tonnes of filtration capacity for the size, plenty of baskets plus integrated heater. Nice and quiet too for it's size.

Unfortunately some weeks ago (forget how long now) I had the heater fail overnight leading to some very cold unhappy fish in the morning. Luckily I had a small backup heater I chucked in the tank asap which was helping to an extent. It seemed two-fold as the impeller was also stalling something rotten, so something really strange was going on. Anyway, I had no time to work it out as the temp was crashing so I had to go get it replaced asap, and of course the shop I bought it from had none available, so I had to drive to another shop and just grab what I could whilst awaiting a refund.

Long story short, I ended up with the same filter in the end and it's been working fine but now seem to be getting some issues again with air getting in somewhere. For the life of me I can't find where, every connection is tight, intake well away from air stone, all o-rings have silicone sealant etc. I also get an unnerving noise randomly (probably once every 30 mins?) that sounds like the impeller scraping in the housing. Again I don't really know what it is, but that's just a guess... I'm trying to source another impeller so I can check this theory.

The quality of the unit itself is great, don't get me wrong, but the problems I have had are a little off-putting personally. I am thinking about going for an Eheim with inline Hydor heater instead, but I haven't made up my mind yet.
U do have a 3 year warranty and might just be unlucky I do make a point of cleaning the impela out monthly so no glogs as for air not sure about that one
I've seen something like that in George Farmer's videos of his 600p aquarium, but with my filter it happens very often. Only during the dark period does not happen, but then the CO2 is off.

Is there anywhere where the intake could be getting air into? For example if the intake tube is a two piece? The only reason a filter expels air if air is getting in.
Yeah, I was having similar problems (air and weird noise) in the filter that failed and Oase couldn't figure it out. In the end they asked me to take it back to the retailer under warranty, but it failed before I could get round to it. I guess I will have to get back to them again and see what they can do, but I am getting a bit fed up of trying to sort it out to be honest. I like the filter overall (beats the old fluval 406 I had which was horrible frankly), but these little issues are very annoying.