Thanks Ady, I will still be on here and I am not giving up... and I am working on my next scape right now, but I guess I have got to the stage on here where I feel that unless I'm running a branded name and its not Opti White and square with all the fancy inlets & outlets etc then I'm placed in a different category to all the high end kit allot of other members now run you know what I mean?
Hi Gary, pleased your still going to be active

Experienced enthusiasts like yourself are invaluable to the community.
I agree with a lot of what other members have said, and whilst i would like to encourage you to continue to share your experiences i am surprised by the way you feel. The most important thing about an aquascape, behind the personal enjoyment we gain from creating and nurturing it, is the actual aquascape, the hardscaping, the plants and the fish, all of which you do exceptionally.....brand names are all very well and good, but by no means do they elevate your status, admittedly it is a progression that many choose to take, more often than not to enhance the visual appeal so as not to distract from the important bit inside the tank, the aquascape, but certainly not to place you in a different category. For me its all about the creation and maintaining, but i do like the minimalism of the 'higher end gear'. Sometimes the minimalist look doesnt fit in our homes in which case alternatives are sought, your trigon fits beautifully in your room.
I hope that members here have not made you feel this way, i certainly have never felt like that, but i do appreciate your focus on doing it for yourself and your family and i said above, thats what it is really all about.
I do hope you reconsider though, as i also would like to see your next venture, i love seeing aquascapes
I have entered IAPLC this year and I am sure again this will prove what I am trying to say, that's if it even gets marked
it will get marked, i dont think you even have to stipulate what tank it is, just give sizes, but it wouldnt matter, this is only a few peoples opinions, yours is much more important. I see it as a way of trying to improve on my skills. The guys involved in judging look at composition, layout plant choices etc etc, far more things than i could ever think of im sure, but if you improve from year to year it is a good indication of whether you are improving at this or not.....if it even matters to you? It doesnt stop me from enjoying viewing my tank at home or looking after it at all, im happy to have growing plants and happy fish