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juwel trigon 190

  1. astroman

    Hardy carpet plant advice

    Hi all. I am looking for advice on the best hardy carpet plant for my Juwel Trigon 190. The reason I want a hardy and fast growing plant is due to the 6 inch Plec and the Silver dollar which also live in the tank. I have had many failures in the past with plants like Pogostemon Helferi - partly...
  2. Gary Nelson

    Nature's Corner 'naturalis' Trigon 190 (now closed)

    Well, I thought that I best start my new journal Nature's Corner 'naturalis' - this was first started about 2 weeks ago now and the first photo shows how the set-up stands as today, followed by photos from the very beginning. The tank is my original 'Trigon 190' from my last scape, with the G6...