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Nature's Corner 'naturalis' Trigon 190 (now closed)

Forget all that Gary, I for one look at your trigon with envy as know that it takes more skill and understanding to deliver your scapes that in a rectangular box with all the gear.

I would certainly love to see the next journaled as they are always a joy to follow. Would be a shame not to share your wizardry 🙂

I agree with Iain. Not so long ago people were saying how hard these tanks were to scape and that the bowed front played havoc with flow / distribution etc but you nailed it all (and so has Jim). I'd like to see another of your scapes in this tank.

Don't worry about other peoples kit mate we all have to work to our means. I've got a bit of speed fit pipe in one of mine so have decided not to enter it in IAPLC this year :lol:
wow! thanks for all the nice comments guys... it means allot to me.
To be honest I am very over whelmed buy what I have just read some really nice things said and some very valid points too.

I will write more later, but just on a quick break at work... but felt I had to say something quick :thumbup:
my old tank was a juwel trigon 190 aswell. I could never pull of a nice scape. i sold it and went for a new one. but seeing this one....so it was possible to scape in the trigon haha......it looks (probably looked) amazing. personally i think if you would have put glosso or hc in the front it would be perfect (matter of taste ofc).

really beautiful tank, im definitely lookinig forward to the new scape in this tank!
my old tank was a juwel trigon 190 aswell. I could never pull of a nice scape. i sold it and went for a new one. but seeing this one....so it was possible to scape in the trigon haha......it looks (probably looked) amazing. personally i think if you would have put glosso or hc in the front it would be perfect (matter of taste ofc).

really beautiful tank, im definitely lookinig forward to the new scape in this tank!

Thanks for the nice comment :thumbup: Yes the corner tanks can be a little tricky to get right...mainly flow etc
Personally I find all the ADA stuff a bit cliched. I read Amano's books in 94 and was amazed by what he did. But taking his recipe and adding nothing apart from a massive dollop of cash is a touch boring. Keep on making your own path Gary, thats the way to creating something original.