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My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Dragon I can quite make out what type of algae that is in the Blyxa. The Bacopa looks like it has GSA which means a PO4 shortage. Can you compare it with the data on JamesC's plant guide? http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/algae.htm

I know this is frustrating but try adding more CO2. EI requires high CO2 levels. When are you turning on the gas relative to the lights?

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks for the reply Clive, from the list it looks like Oedogonium, I already have the CO2 bubbling away pretty intenssive, think if I had more I will gas the fish, maybe I need to add more ferts? I double the ferts after the water change on Satruday and yesterday dosed the traces the plants were pearling away like I never seen them before. The CO2 comes on one an a half hours before lights and goes off an hour before lights out.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Have you considered upgrading the filter?

I had good results with a TetraTex EX1200 in my Rio 125. You can get them for about 60GPB.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

George Farmer said:
Have you considered upgrading the filter?
I had good results with a TetraTex EX1200 in my Rio 125. You can get them for about 60GPB.

I am running the internal filter, plus a Eihem 2224 and also have a power head for circulation. Thought that should be enough?
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

I was just wondering if it's worth cutting down on the fish food. You mention an explosion of trumpets since you removed the clown loaches, they're obviously eating something and judging by your fantastic plants, it's not those! Any extra food might be decomposing and although not affecting water quality for the fish, might be an attributing factor for the algae.

Just a thought.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

beeky said:
I was just wondering if it's worth cutting down on the fish food. You mention an explosion of trumpets since you removed the clown loaches, they're obviously eating something and judging by your fantastic plants, it's not those! Any extra food might be decomposing and although not affecting water quality for the fish, might be an attributing factor for the algae.Just a thought.
Thanks for the reply, I also thought about that, and I haven't really been feeding the fish too much, and over the last week and a half only been feeding once every other day, and removed 60+ trumpets!
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Just a silly question, how often should I clean the filters? I clean the internal every two weeks and the external once a month, is that enough? Just in case it as something to do with that. Thanks
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Your, maintenance is fine, your tank seems spotless to me, but Blyxa is clearly unhappy which is disappointing. Leave it for a week or so and continue to remove by hand. You have upped the nutrients so that's enough for now. Normally, when you make a dosing change like that you won't see an effect for 2-3 weeks. As a follow up to Georges comment is there any way you can get flow in the direction of the Blyxa? I know it sounds weird but it could just be sitting in an odd or stagnant flow pattern. Do the leaves move at all?

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks Clive, the algea is mainly on the Blyxa but I see the odd bit on other plants also, thats whats worrying me most.
I moved the powerhead in such a way at the weekend that now the Blyxa leaves are moving about, they weren't before, I might just remove the leaves that are most affected and keep the dosing a little higher and see how that goes.
Should the one weekly water change be enough or should I do one in mid week? thanks
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Well, every water change you do helps because you are removing ammonia content as well as algal spores. 2 water changes a week is twice as effective as once a week. I know this is a drag but it really does help. Remember to dose right after the water change. Yes, definitely remove all affected leaves. There is no hope for them and they normally never recover. They only serve to add fuel to the algae fire so get them out of there. I lose track now and then but were you going to try some Excel?

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Water changes are not a problem, I devised a system with a hose so all I need to do is run the hose and press a switch and then just wait for it to empty and refill again 😉 I don't have any Excel should I be getting some?
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks for the info Clive, which one would you recommend over the other so that I can start ordering 😉
Also how would I go dosing these with EI? many thanks
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

As George says, get the cheapest one. 😀 They are identical. Just follow the dosing instructions on the label if you are conservative and 2-3X the label instruction if you are an extremist (or rich).

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks George and Clive for the help, I have just ordered Georges sugestion, one liter should last me a while.
Yesterday did a good prune on the infected leaves and moved my diffusor to a position where the bubbles get spread more even across the tank and stay longer underwater before reaching the surface, its not in an ideal place estetically but I will leave it like that for a week or so and see how things work out.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

http://www.aquaristic.net/index.php?sid ... =easycarbo

These chaps supply easycarbo, works out at £11.24 per 1ltr + £10.24 shipping, but if you buy in bulk like I do you can ship upto 30kg's for the same price of £10.24(sepending on the exchange rate on the day) 😀

Hope that helps

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks Johnny, just got it off AE 😉 only need one anyway
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

LondonDragon said:
Thanks Johnny, just got it off AE 😉 only need one anyway

Nice one. Good to see our members supporting UKAPS sponsors.

BTW I'd personally avoid dosing more than the instructions. Spot dosing the full amount will work against the worst algae infected areas if you haven't removed the leaves, or it's attached to decor.

You can read about its active ingredient here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutaraldehyde

The last paragraph refers to Seachem Flourish Excel...