Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125
Just a small update, this weekend re-planted the left hand side of the tank. The anubias were looking in pretty bad shape so cleared a lot of the old leaves, now I seem to have about 20 separate rhizones.
Also got rid of the piece of wood that was holding the Riccia, it seemed to be rotting away, which I am sure is not good for the thank, will have to figure what I want to do with the Riccia, its floating at the moment.
Seem to have a problem with algae at the moment not sure what could be wrong, CO2 drop checker is always green, dosing the recommended EI, lighting is on for 9 hours, only feeding once every other day over the last week or so. Maybe I will reduce the lighting. Any ideas?
Here is a shot of the Blyxa that is also looking in pretty bad shape and some of the algea on it, seem to have a lot of trumpets now that I got rid of my clown loaches
I also liked the effect of the weeping moss wall at the back of the tank so this weekend I stripped it down and double its size, now just have to wait for it to grow back.
I have noticed my cherries are now coming out more often into the open, for the first couple of weeks I didn't even know they were in the tank, now they are roaming everywhere.
Full tank shot how it looked after a good trim this weekend and the re-doing of things mentioned above:
Close shot of the glosso, its looking much better now, looking healthier after I trimmed parts of it with algea and also trimmed the ones that were shooting up vertically:
Any suggestions on the algea would be appreciated, could I be dosing too low? Should I double the fert dosing? I doubled it after the water change on saturday, will see how it goes this week, should I also do mid week water changes for the time being?
Many thanks