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MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

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I thought this was about Malaysian trumpet snails lol

I've slimmed down to 5 tanks now (plus a little cull tank for shrimp). I can't believe I've got away with the one downstairs for nearly 3 years now! I think the old dear quite likes the eels.
same as above.. just dipping my toe again.
started 2 planted tanks at the same time.. allot different from my past tropical tanks.. allot of dedication and matinance.. but it's all worth it.. got the bug
Screen shots off Instagram, this guy has it pretty bad 😱

We have a winner!.. :clap:

Kinda reminds of of this shop in my neighbouring town.

It's a pretty profesional website, but wait till you get into the shop. It hardly can be called a shop. 🙄 It's the funniest thing i've ever seen. it's in a normal small 3 bedroom old miners house 35m² living space. With part of the livingroom and kitchen filled with racks. One wall with aqaurium rack, other wall a huge 1000 + litre tank and smack in the middle of the living room a product rack. Barely space to walk, some more breeding and holding tanks in the shed behind the house.. If you drop in to buy or look at some stuff, you walk into a regular householding and don't be surpriced when Mama is coocking and all the kids and family at the dinner table eating spaghetti, cramped up and surounded by aqauriums friendly saying "Hello!?". As if it is the normalest thing ever. Daddy helping customers, knows all about fish and Mommy is the plant expert.

The only shop selling Tropica products in over a 100 mile radius. They do not show pictures on the net and with first visiting the website, you expect it to be a regular LFS. Realy a bizar experience.. But very good quality products and service.. He once told me it started with hobby suffering Mts and breeding discus and it slowly turned the house into a discus breeding facility and shop. He wants to expand but yet can't.
OI who's been taking pictures in my house??????? :woot::woot::woot:

think that may be a bit of hoarding there

at most had 5 incl 8x2x2 now got 300l marine (hopefully sold) and a 50l planted and just got a small shrimp tank.

when marine goes i'll be getting a 245l
Strangely it seems relatively uncluttered and quite clean. Apart from the multitude of tanks there is little extra mess ( hoses , feeding pots, all kind of buckets, nets etc etc) and there is carpet ( looks clean) and no visible mold.
I am quite sure he IS married and the missus likes tanks too. There even are 2 watering cans for the potted plants, and a box of tissues on the table. yup, defenitly married.
Strangely it seems relatively uncluttered and quite clean. Apart from the multitude of tanks there is little extra mess ( hoses , feeding pots, all kind of buckets, nets etc etc) and there is carpet ( looks clean) and no visible mold.
I am quite sure he IS married and the missus likes tanks too. There even are 2 watering cans for the potted plants, and a box of tissues on the table. yup, defenitly married.

Definitively not a stranded reclusive lonesome nerd suffereing collecteritis..