I would like a second tank but the wife said she would leave me........Hmmm time to look for another tank
I dare you to let her read this
😉On topic: With my ex I experienced my worst case of MTS. At the worst moment (or best) we had:
- 1 tanganyika tank, 150x90/60x50 with
Callochromis melanostigma, large group of cyprichromis (forgot which one, just remember them being red with blue), neolamprologus brichardii, and a group of neolamprologus brevis, No plants, just rock and sand.
- 1 community tank, 120x50x40 with 2 angels and I forgot all the other fish in there
🙂 Dutch style tank
- 1 Malawi tank - dont remember which fish, those were given to us and my ex wanted them, I had already kept those as a teen and wasnt interested in them anymore. This was mostly her project
Then we had a set up of large plastic tanks with (leaking) overflows containing:
- Couple of cichlomasoma meeki
- Couple of nannacara anomala
- couple of Hemichromis bimaculatus in a seperate plastic container
So all in all, we had 6 tanks at the worst moment. And one room that was constantly damp/wet floor. We decided that our hobby had gone to far & we split up, so we sold it all and I didnt have tanks for 5 years, then started off with a nano, then got a 70x50x45 and added a slightly larger tank instead of the nano. I've managed to keep it down to 2 tanks max at a given time ever since, mostly because I dont enjoy maintenance much
🙂 Not counting spring when we set up the nano tank to house frogspawn for the kids. But I have to admit, in my dreams I sometimes wander onto the attick in my house (which does not have an attick in reality, at least not one where you can stand) to discover huge racks full of tanks that clearly I forgot about, so maybe I'm still infected on some level.