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MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

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I have 7 planted tanks (2 are 125 gallon, 2 are 50, a 29, one 10 and a 5.5) and a 65 gallon reef that I am totally over but still keep up. And a pond of approximately 1,100 gallons that I breed fish in during the summer sometimes. Too many bears come in my yard to raise goldfish, but they seem to ignore small fish. Interestingly, lots of tropical fish have grown HUGE in that pond over a single summer. I've had swordtails that were 6" not including the tail and similar sized mollies. The fish I leave indoors never come close to their size.
Try some angelfish this year - you should get some amazing colours (blue green purple iridescence)
The ultimate is when you build tanks into the house thus devaluing it on re-sale

Estate agents say that fish tanks do not sell houses. Have one tank which I built into house, planning to stay till wooden box time. Wife is of the same mind set.

One 20gal quarantine tank in the garage, need to move it to some where else. I run a dehumidifier in the garage/workshop to help keep cars and tools shiny.

One garden pond, no fish. Several planted patio tubs. Stuff outside is the wife's, stuff indoors is mine.

Pipe dream of 8 footer in the conservatory, but we run a TARDIS as our other hobby is playing in the 1930's & 40's. Cannot get back to the day before we set out, dials faulty. Hence always playing catch up on tank and garden maintenance. Still the pipe is nice.

One life, have fun, be kind to others.
It's all fun until you have to redecorate. I'm currently helping my parents plan around moving/replacing two 220L tanks (one tropical/one marine) in the living room that have been in position 25+ years... the silicone is in scary condition so it's the logistics of move/redecorate/replace tank whilst housing the occupants for an extended period.
Estate agents say that fish tanks do not sell houses. Have one tank which I built into house, planning to stay till wooden box time. Wife is of the same mind set.

One 20gal quarantine tank in the garage, need to move it to some where else. I run a dehumidifier in the garage/workshop to help keep cars and tools shiny.

One garden pond, no fish. Several planted patio tubs. Stuff outside is the wife's, stuff indoors is mine.

Pipe dream of 8 footer in the conservatory, but we run a TARDIS as our other hobby is playing in the 1930's & 40's. Cannot get back to the day before we set out, dials faulty. Hence always playing catch up on tank and garden maintenance. Still the pipe is nice.

One life, have fun, be kind to others.

Love this post.
If I move again, I’m buying a house with an indoor pool and converting it to a high tech planted. Viewing panel and all.
House value? Who cares, that’s why you shouldn’t hold all your wealth in 1 basket (I.e. house)

Gotta carpe them diems!!!!
(And diversify your assets! Haha!)

Try some angelfish this year - you should get some amazing colours (blue green purple iridescence)
I wish I had the market to move babies or I would. The aquarium hobby is truly dying in this country. I opened a LFS in 2007 and if I didn't also sell dog food it would have long ago closed. Draining all of the tanks and getting out of aquatics saved my shop. All that remain selling fish in my area are big box stores. I'm hoping our hobby makes a comeback but I fear the worst. At least with rasboras, white clouds and such, I can put a couple hundred of them in my big tanks if they take a year or so to sell off. I'd have my hands full with even a single spawn of angels once it cools off and they have to go indoors.
But yet you think its clean so he has a wife,
I was being sarcastic
Ladys drink wine in wine glasses hence if he had a wife she would like to drink wine out of her wine glass.
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same as above.. just dipping my toe again.
started 2 planted tanks at the same time.. allot different from my past tropical tanks.. allot of dedication and matinance.. but it's all worth it.. got the bug
Another tank( 45p )and a new project on the way.
The tree of life.


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At least with rasboras, white clouds and such, I can put a couple hundred of them in my big tanks if they take a year or so to sell off. I'd have my hands full with even a single spawn of angels once it cools off and they have to go indoors.

I am going to speak for myself here but I am personally very disappointed of all the fish shops I've had to encounter for one or another reason in my entire lifetime so far....

To start, the fish you listed above have never ever been on my personal want list...Even though I never follow the "fish fashion", those are fish mostly newbies purchase or species enthusiasts perhaps...We, long time fish keepers, that have the time and finances to support this hobby, evolve and want something else...We don't kill fish every 2 months anymore so to be a regular customer, some thinking on the part of the offering is needed...

Other examples:

Advertises next day delivery in big letters, orders never processed in the first 2-3 days. If you order fish, you've got to be home to get the order so it's not like one can wait for them to deliver on random days. People work during working hours but they act like they're selling ancient stones..I've cancelled full orders numerous times because of delays.

Others refuse to provide a delivery date even if the city where the shop is, is 2.5 hours away by car.

Lists items that one can purchase, only to find out after payment they don't have them in stock, asking customer to buy something else, wait a few weeks or cancel the item....additionally causing delivery delays with the rest of the items in the shopping bag, inclusive of fish you planned on for to receive by a certain day...

Stocks the exact same items and fish for years.....no change, no progress whatsoever. One has to shop around foreign to get newer and different stuff..., also often charges double than elsewhere that arrives within the same time frame..

Does not offer orders for non-common fish, too much trouble to win a customer...

Stocks only poor quality stuff, including fish food with ingredients not suitable to give to a pig.

If a local shop, dead and sick fish seen around. If online shop, sends poor quality fish even if one purchases rare and expensive fish...A group of corys I once ordered arrive with their bottom halfway out of the water due to the way they had placed the bags in the box. The tails on 3 of them never recovered.

Vindictive to customers. I once did not receive a fish food order. I sent numerous emails, no reply. I opened a paypal case. They agreed to re-send the order after blaming me for lying. When I received it, they had opened the New Life spectrum tubs and spilled them all inside the pack. 2 weeks later I get an email that the original order was returned back to the seller and then they apologized...Too late, isn't it? I buy expensive fish food, their choice...

Sells gone off stuff...I've bought stinky bloodworms on numerous occasions that seem to have been defrosted and re-frozen....I even stopped buying my dog food from there....

There's a lot more...I just can't think that far back but I have never seen a shop local or online that satisfies my customer needs....So I've started buying the bare minimum these days, not that much of a loyal customer...and I shop around as they're all bad...

Hi, my name is Mell and I have an addiction. I believe I have a full blown case of MTS. I know it is untreatable, there is no known cure so I have come here for support and understanding. I have running

1400 litre community tank.
700 litre Discus tank.
700 litre fancy Goldfish tank.
450 litre Endler species only.
240 litre marine.
190 litre neolamphrogus multiphasiatus, species only.
240 litre Species only, female Flowerhorn.

Preparing for planting hopefully getting some nice scapes going.

90 litre Fluval Roma
57 litre Fluval Flex
50 litre Dannerle Scapers tank.
17 litre Flex mini
110 litre Dwarf Puffer.

I also suffer with SAPS, SSS, CWP and serious tank envy to other large tank owners or even owners of large tanks.

I'm Lili and I'm addicted to aquariums, to be very specific I am addicted to nano tanks, the advantage being that you can stick one anywhere...but so far, all of mine are in the sitting room.

In any case, I love that I can list all my stuff and nobody will think I am crazy...or at least, not crazier than any of the rest of you, nor will I be accused of bragging (I hope)...I just love to talk tanks...

First, I run RO water on all tanks, with Salty shrimp remineralisers. I've a 120 liter barrel in a corner of the kitchen with a float valve and a water mixing station next to it. This all started because my local tap water often contains nitrates.

I have, in order of date of setup:
  1. 20 liter Dennerle Nano Cube, heavily planted low tech Painted Fire Red shrimp tank that probably contains 300 shrimp of varying grades at this stage
  2. 20 liter Dennerle Nano Cube, low tech blackwater, planted with Java Fern, anubias, bucephalandra, and Amazon frogbit. Betta habitat
  3. 90 liter, (90x30x30), custom copy of UNS 90L except with black silicone, heavily planted, low tech, HMF, ember tetras and pygmy cory cats and a plethora of shrimp. Looking for a centrepiece fish/pair.
  4. 20 liter Dennerle Nano Cube, low tech, this is the one where I dumped whatever plants I'd bought until I had time to plant them. At the beginning of lockdown I decided to sort it out, planted it with crypts and put a few Blue Dream neos in there, it's still developing.
  5. 30 liter Dennerle Nano cube, low tech blackwater, planted with anubias, Java Fern, and Bacopa Caroliniana...there's also some water wisteria in there but I'm going to take it out once I grow enough Bacopa stems to plant the entire back section of the tank. Also a Betta habitat.
  6. 54 liter (60x30x30cm) Bonsai tank, flooded about a month ago, ADA Amazonia, pressurised CO2 set on the way, trying to grow a Monte Carlo/Marsilea hirsuta carpet with Anubias 'Pangolino' on the bonsai, battling BBA already, no livestock yet but I am thinking Crystal Red or Crystal Black shrimp?
  7. 72 liter (60x30x40) which is literally full of water and a solitary poor Hygrophila 'Red-Green' in a pot that I stuck in there until I have time to put in things like a filter and some substrate. Somehow it's still alive despite zero flow and zero ferts. Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll have time to sort it. I have no idea where I am going with this tank! 😀
  8. 30 liter Dennerle Nano cube, I have the plants, I'm waiting for some bits and bobs including a manifold for my CO2 regulator, am cycling its filter in a bucket. It's only last on the list because it's completely empty, but it'll be done before the one above.
And I'm planning to get a matching 54 liter to No. 6, because reasons...

Cheers to anyone who read all that!
I once had 3 tanks (including office tank) for a while and they all suffered. So I reduced it to 1. It's all good now. I am a recovering addict.

Somehow it's still alive despite zero flow and zero ferts.
You should pee on it once a fortnight. That's take care of ferts. :couchpotato: