I know what a lot of u must be thinking. I have read all those discussions on this topic and there r a lot of people who don't believe that micronutrients toxicity can happen. Well... I am no expert and I have not measured the micros in my tank. However the way that things have unfolded in my tank compel me to believe that it cud be micronutrient toxicity. This is my story:
Tank spec: (started In June 2016)
100 g 48x24x21
T5ho 54w x 4 (2 6500k, 1 10000k, 1 4000k)
Initially 7 hrs of which all 4 only for 2 hrs
Now 6 hrs of which only 1 hr all 4 .. with 1.5
hr siesta inbetween when c02 will still be on
Co2 through inline reactor 2 hrs before light and off 1 hr before @ 3bps
Drop checker was green
Substrate Ada Amazonia and contro
Filters: eheim 2217 and sunsun 303b
Wavemaker x 2 800gph
Now initially I was doing full EI in RO water:
Macro: kno3 x 12 tsp
Kh2po4 x 4 tsp
Mgso4 x 20 tsp
Dissolved in 600 ml of water
Dosed 50 ml on alternate days
Seachem flourish 8 ml
Seachem iron 5 ml
Both on alternate days
Temp of tank 28 to 29 with two 6 in 1 cooling fans
Weekly 50% water change without fail with 8 tsp of seachem equilibrium with each change
Filters cleaned once every 3 months
Hygrophila difformis
H. Polysperma
Crypt. Wendetti.
Crypt. Spiralis
Luwigia ovalis
Rotala rotundifolia hi red
R. Indica
L. Aromatica
Anubias nana
Korymbosa compacta
L. Aquatica
Micro. Hemianthicus
Flame moss
Christmas moss
8x congo tetra
15x neon tetra
6x cardinals
4x bosemani rainbow
10x hengeli rasbora
7x asian rummy nose
3x rummy nose
3x pencil fish beckford
7x corys
3x bn pleco
4x otos
2x black molly
1x sae
1x German blue ram
1x angel fish
1x female neon gaurami
6x amano shrimp
Fed once a day.. hikari micropellets, microwafers and frozen worms on subsequent days.
The initial 6 months after setting up the tank was bliss without ferts with the Ada Amazonia working and plants were growing just great. Trimming was so often. Then.. once I took over ei.. the rotala rotundifolia which was the fastest growing completely burnt out.. it lost its leaves and became Brown. Similarly I lost l. Aromatica and h. Polysperma, which is actually a weed, started breaking off. When i checked, my nitrates and phosphates were》160 and 》 10 ppm resp. I did multiple water changes. Then I reduced my ei by half but continued same micro dose. Some plants were doing ok but others not so. Stem plants were mostly not doing great. Twice burnt rotala and melted the Ech. Major and l. aromatica. Had green hair algae too. Then I started getting the deficiency symptoms..
Stunted small leaves in stems
Curling and malformed leaves
Holes with yellow edges
Dark leaves
Leaves breaking off early
Getting absorbed from the periphery
Co2 deficiency was the first thought in my mind but the thing was that one of the plants affected was my frogbits too which s exposed to air. So I started dosing k2so4 x 4 tsp into a separate 600 ml bottle. My nitrates were at this time hovering at 40 ppm and phosphates 3 ppm. My water became hard dgh of 14. So I stopped equilibrium. There was no improvement. Most of my plants would shoot of new leaves which wud look ok but the old leaves will have holes and break off as the nutrients were being hauled off from them. I had upped my co2 to 6 bps for over 2 months as I read that co2 def can also present like this.
All this while I never reduced my micros. Then I started reading abt micro tox. Then I noticed that after a water change my plants wud pearl so much on the first day after which it wud reduce. So what I did was do twice weekly water changes with only macros for fertilization. So if it were micronutrient toxicity things should have improved.. but sadly it just persists. Nearly all the frogbits have dissappeared. I even reduced lights to only 54x2 for 6 hrs with a 1.5 hr siesta. But even though the plants aren't dying they shoot new leaves but the older leaves definitely show deficiency symptoms. L. aromatica shows small malformed leaves.
Can anyone explain what s going on..
1. If it's co2 I have increased bps to 6 and cleaned the reactor. And why have frogbits been affected (duckweed index)
2. Potassium def.. have been adding kno3 and kh2po4 from the beginning and now supplemented with k2s04.. any more I might cross into toxic levels.
3. Calcium def.. have been dosing two teaspoons of equilibrium last 10 days even though water shows 13 dgh. No improvement.
4. Micro nutrient def.. have been dosing flourish regularly but it's been 5ml twice weekly when the actual recommended dose is 8 ml once or twice weekly.
5. Micro nutrient tox.. could explain signs of potassium and calcium deficiency and also burning up of frogbits. But why no improvement after several water changes.
Attaching pics.
1. Initial phase without ferts.
2. After starting ferts

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
Tank spec: (started In June 2016)
100 g 48x24x21
T5ho 54w x 4 (2 6500k, 1 10000k, 1 4000k)
Initially 7 hrs of which all 4 only for 2 hrs
Now 6 hrs of which only 1 hr all 4 .. with 1.5
hr siesta inbetween when c02 will still be on
Co2 through inline reactor 2 hrs before light and off 1 hr before @ 3bps
Drop checker was green
Substrate Ada Amazonia and contro
Filters: eheim 2217 and sunsun 303b
Wavemaker x 2 800gph
Now initially I was doing full EI in RO water:
Macro: kno3 x 12 tsp
Kh2po4 x 4 tsp
Mgso4 x 20 tsp
Dissolved in 600 ml of water
Dosed 50 ml on alternate days
Seachem flourish 8 ml
Seachem iron 5 ml
Both on alternate days
Temp of tank 28 to 29 with two 6 in 1 cooling fans
Weekly 50% water change without fail with 8 tsp of seachem equilibrium with each change
Filters cleaned once every 3 months
Hygrophila difformis
H. Polysperma
Crypt. Wendetti.
Crypt. Spiralis
Luwigia ovalis
Rotala rotundifolia hi red
R. Indica
L. Aromatica
Anubias nana
Korymbosa compacta
L. Aquatica
Micro. Hemianthicus
Flame moss
Christmas moss
8x congo tetra
15x neon tetra
6x cardinals
4x bosemani rainbow
10x hengeli rasbora
7x asian rummy nose
3x rummy nose
3x pencil fish beckford
7x corys
3x bn pleco
4x otos
2x black molly
1x sae
1x German blue ram
1x angel fish
1x female neon gaurami
6x amano shrimp
Fed once a day.. hikari micropellets, microwafers and frozen worms on subsequent days.
The initial 6 months after setting up the tank was bliss without ferts with the Ada Amazonia working and plants were growing just great. Trimming was so often. Then.. once I took over ei.. the rotala rotundifolia which was the fastest growing completely burnt out.. it lost its leaves and became Brown. Similarly I lost l. Aromatica and h. Polysperma, which is actually a weed, started breaking off. When i checked, my nitrates and phosphates were》160 and 》 10 ppm resp. I did multiple water changes. Then I reduced my ei by half but continued same micro dose. Some plants were doing ok but others not so. Stem plants were mostly not doing great. Twice burnt rotala and melted the Ech. Major and l. aromatica. Had green hair algae too. Then I started getting the deficiency symptoms..
Stunted small leaves in stems
Curling and malformed leaves
Holes with yellow edges
Dark leaves
Leaves breaking off early
Getting absorbed from the periphery
Co2 deficiency was the first thought in my mind but the thing was that one of the plants affected was my frogbits too which s exposed to air. So I started dosing k2so4 x 4 tsp into a separate 600 ml bottle. My nitrates were at this time hovering at 40 ppm and phosphates 3 ppm. My water became hard dgh of 14. So I stopped equilibrium. There was no improvement. Most of my plants would shoot of new leaves which wud look ok but the old leaves will have holes and break off as the nutrients were being hauled off from them. I had upped my co2 to 6 bps for over 2 months as I read that co2 def can also present like this.
All this while I never reduced my micros. Then I started reading abt micro tox. Then I noticed that after a water change my plants wud pearl so much on the first day after which it wud reduce. So what I did was do twice weekly water changes with only macros for fertilization. So if it were micronutrient toxicity things should have improved.. but sadly it just persists. Nearly all the frogbits have dissappeared. I even reduced lights to only 54x2 for 6 hrs with a 1.5 hr siesta. But even though the plants aren't dying they shoot new leaves but the older leaves definitely show deficiency symptoms. L. aromatica shows small malformed leaves.
Can anyone explain what s going on..
1. If it's co2 I have increased bps to 6 and cleaned the reactor. And why have frogbits been affected (duckweed index)
2. Potassium def.. have been adding kno3 and kh2po4 from the beginning and now supplemented with k2s04.. any more I might cross into toxic levels.
3. Calcium def.. have been dosing two teaspoons of equilibrium last 10 days even though water shows 13 dgh. No improvement.
4. Micro nutrient def.. have been dosing flourish regularly but it's been 5ml twice weekly when the actual recommended dose is 8 ml once or twice weekly.
5. Micro nutrient tox.. could explain signs of potassium and calcium deficiency and also burning up of frogbits. But why no improvement after several water changes.
Attaching pics.
1. Initial phase without ferts.
2. After starting ferts

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk