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Introducing Featured Journals

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George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
Introducing - Featured Journals

Hi all,

The objective behind this Featured Journals sub-forum is to showcase the best journals created by UKAPS Members. We hope that this will maintain and encourage further the excellent quality of journals on the UKAPS Forum.

Qualities of a Featured Journal may include -
  • A comprehensive account of the aquarium's/aquascape's life from the outset through to a finished or ongoing aquascape of significant impact.
  • Well-articulated narrative.
  • High quality photography.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Humour.
  • In-depth discussions with a wide variety of aquarium plant-related topics and experience levels.

Featured Journals are chosen and are moved into this sub-forum by the UKAPS Moderating Team with a notification to the Journal's creator.

If you wish to propose a UKAPS Member's journal to be featured then contact a member from the UKAPS Moderating Team.

Just a quick reminder to any members new or old that this Sub Forum exists with some truly exceptional Aquarium Journals.
I would recommend getting yourself a cuppa and taking the time to explore these journals, appreciating what was achieved, often at a time when much of the excepted knowledge (and tech) of today really was in its infancy.

If you wish to propose a UKAPS Member's journal to be featured then contact a member from the UKAPS Moderating Team.
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