Vermiculite floats so not great for in a fish tank 🙂
I keep seeing "SeaChem Equilibrium" being mentioned. What is it and why do people use it?
+ Calicum?
It's for remineralising Rain or RO water it does this by mixing in a load of salts including Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sulfates and trace elements which is good for planted tanks. It's a bit on the expensive side there are cheaper products, dosing EI salts + calcium is probably the cheapest method.
You can run 2 bulbs just lower the length of time they are on, maybe start with 4 hours only and every 4 weeks increase the time by an hour till you get it to about 8 hours. I run my low tech tank and high tech tank at 6 hours. Using liquid carbon with your low lighting you might get away by using a little less of the APFUK Simply (Ei). I would maybe start at full dosage 2 times a week for both macro and micros, 50%-60% water change once a week. The good thing about a low light tank is you'll have time to react to problems as they won't be as instantaneous, if you still seeing plant plant Deficiencies then you can increase the amount of ferts.
Incidentally: (putting aside the other issues) if I were to update my tank to a high-tech tank, what would I be looking at buying in terms of lights? Does having low-lights (with every other parameter high-tech (EI fertilisation, CO₂, etc.) just mean that your plants would grow slower or does it affect other parameters, too?
Not sure what you mean by other parameters!
If you have low light but good CO2/nutrients you'll have very happy plants which grow slowly.
A man after my own heart, I've often pondered the same question.but, if you can have plants that are just as beautiful but growing slower, why would the average aquarist want to trim plants every week?
The general consensus for planted tanks is 10 times tank volume a hour,so its this what is important not what a filter is deemed up to,however Fluval are a good filter to have and a powerhead could be added if required,the 10 times is less important for low tech non CO2 set ups
Hi all, A man after my own heart, I've often pondered the same question.
You don't have to have quick growth, if you look at Tom's threads <"Bucket o' mud"> & <"Poco pozo">
My philosophy is here: <""> & <"">
cheers Darrel
I'm going to read over those articles in a second, but can I ask you a sensitive question first? Is a high-tech planted aquarium not, in its extreme form, more accurately (possibly not historically, but in general practice), the application of industrial manufacturing processes to home settings. Is this a "boy-racer" culture?
I think the boy-racer equivalent would be !
As for why people don't all use low light. Well... A lot of the enjoyment is in the dynamic nature of an aquarium. It's nice to watch things transform, rather than having a 3D screensaver (granted, that screensaver is unique and interactive!).
The 10x an hour is for "high tech tanks" , low tech tanks can do wel in 2-3 times per hour
No. All plants grow in light, its just that some "thrive" better in higher light & CO2 & ferts than others. Some people have grown HC carpets in so called "low light", takes ages to grow and is susceptible to algae, but it grows.Are there any plants that will only grow in very-high light?
There won't be any. There is no point wasting injecting CO2 and EI when running at low light, the plants can't make use of the extra CO2 and ferts in "lower light" levels, so no point doing it.Also: can anyone post some pictures of aquariums that have been grown with supplemented carbon dioxide and EI dosing (but low light)? I would be interested to see what people have created?
I have a 180litre tank with 1400l/hr JBLe1501, internal Juwel filter @ 600l/hr and 3200l/hr power head (total 5200l/hr, nearly x30 rate) and fish are fine. They swim in the flow, find lower flow bits to swim in. How do you think fish in rivers survive ?understand, but: is that not a high volume of water? How do fish survive in a high-tech aquarium?
There won't be any. There is no point wasting injecting CO2 and EI when running at low light, the plants can't make use of the extra CO2 and ferts in "lower light" levels, so no point doing it.
My mate runs a "low tech", "low light" tank, a single T5 tube, shaded a bit with "foil rings" and doses liquid carbon & 1/4 dose EI ferts once a week, or when ever he can be bothered. Plants grow, even the Glosso I gave him, all algae free, but just grows slowly, painfully slowly in my eyes used to a high tech tank. He is happy, low maintenance tank.
I have a 180litre tank with 1400l/hr JBLe1501, internal Juwel filter @ 600l/hr and 3200l/hr power head (total 5200l/hr, nearly x30 rate) and fish are fine. They swim in the flow, find lower flow bits to swim in. How do you think fish in rivers survive ?
As my grandma used to say "You are wasting your worries on things that aren't a worry".
Also: can anyone post some pictures of aquariums that have been grown with supplemented carbon dioxide and EI dosing (but low light)? I would be interested to see what people have created?
There is, you can roll your own CO2 and ferts dosing but how you determine it is working and levels are correct is very hard, as when you get algae and dead plants it is all too late. You will not have access to the laboratory grade test equipment to measure ferts and CO2, thus cannot determine your uptakes, thus you can't determine your required dosing, your required CO2 levels, frequency of water changes etc etc all getting very difficult for something that has been devised to be simple.Why is there no middle-ground between high-tech and low-tech