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Hair algae (corrected Black Brush Algae)

OK, actually looks fairly decent from that angle. Is that Blyxa in the middle? If so it's a fairly good CO2 indicator plant so you're not far from a solution mate. looks 10,000,000X better without that backing. Just get some grey or blue external backing from the LFS. Do NOT get the ones with pictures of plants on them though...That's grounds for dismissal and possible lifetime ban...

ceg4048 said:
Just get some grey or blue external backing from the LFS. Do NOT get the ones with pictures of plants on them though...That's grounds for dismissal and possible lifetime ban...


Damn......you spoil all my fun 😀
ok in a final attempt to solve the BBA and smelly green algae problems I have been having with this tank for ages!! I have now bought a spray bar to try and improve the flow in the tank.

Does anyone know how to stop the horrid whistling noise coming from the bar?

I am replacing another batch of plants at the weekend in a final attempt to get a decent tank...if this fails I'm going back to rocks :evil:
Hi mfcphil

If your spray bar is whistling, it is normally a sign that you have some air in it.
To remove the air from mine I just popped off the end cap and the air gets blown out the end, and calm is restored 😀 .

chrisr01 said:
Hi mfcphil

If your spray bar is whistling, it is normally a sign that you have some air in it.
To remove the air from mine I just popped off the end cap and the air gets blown out the end, and calm is restored 😀 .


Thanks Chris I will give it a try 😀
Hi, so how is it going, its been almost a month since your last post, any improvements?
I have the similar problem, the BBA is growing just on the substrate though under the glosso carpet, does not bother me too much but since its multiplying i think its time to address the problem as well.
Not going to lie, the hair algae has not completely gone but it is not appearing in all the places it was and its not as abundant as it was before....Still removing some of the glass but the signs are pretty good....

The Blue - Green algae IN THE SUBSTRATE is the new pain in the blahblahblahblah I am dealing with now :crazy:
Please note most planted aquarists have experience all the algae at some point, and many have little control in the beginning.

Your attitude will be tempered later, and hopefully you will see that good consistent care, good management of light and CO2 are the more critical issues. Then you go years without algae issues, and if they start to show up, you know pretty much what to do.

Tom Barr