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Hair algae (corrected Black Brush Algae)

Just short of a week with the Flourish Excel.

BBA just about gone 😀
It looks like we have saw off the BBA

Should I use the Flourish until its gone...I only got the 100ml bottle...Dosing at 5ml every other day :?:
Yes, but now you have to decide what to do next. Excel effectively adds CO2 and has algecidal properties so have you increased your injection rate and stabilized your CO2 sufficiently, or will you have to continue to add Excel? If the answer to the first part is no then the BBA will return if you stop adding Excel.

Well I don't want to keep using excel...what would you suggest?

Have you increased the injection rate? Have you changed the timing of the gas? These are the usual fixes.

I have increased the gas from 2bps to between 3 and 4bps

The co2 is on 24/7 as I don't have a solenoid.
ceg4048 said:
OK, well, see if that rate does the trick. If not then you'll have to bump it up some more.


Many thanks for your advice....Again 😉
The BBA is back 🙁 🙁 🙁

Here is what I am doing...

I stopped using the excell about three weeks ago,
I have got the lights down to 9 hours per day
I have upped the co2 from 2 to 3bps to about 5bps
I have added a solenoid which turns on just after the lights come on and turns off just before the lights go out.

I have had to remove so many anubis leaves that were covered in the stuff, there is hardly any of the plant left...

totally getting me down 🙁
mfcphil said:
The BBA is back 🙁 🙁 🙁

Here is what I am doing...

I stopped using the excell about three weeks ago,
I have got the lights down to 9 hours per day
I have upped the co2 from 2 to 3bps to about 5bps
I have added a solenoid which turns on just after the lights come on and turns off just before the lights go out.

I have had to remove so many anubis leaves that were covered in the stuff, there is hardly any of the plant left...

totally getting me down 🙁
Really, you want the co2 on around 2 or 3 hours BEFORE lights on, and off an hour or two before light off.

I'd lower the lighting period to 7 or 8 hours. Plants don't need much more than 6 hours.

Instead of removing BBA infected leaves, spot dose with Excel/EasyCarbo. Make sure your filter is off, and use a syringe right at the infected part(s).
Thank you for the pointers.

Could you exlain the spot treatment....do you mean remove the plant from the tank and syringe the leaves?

I will setup the timers to come on as you suggested...Thanks
No, just use a small amount of EasyCarbo in a syringe pointed directly at the infected areas of the plant underwater With the filter off it helps give the BBA a bigger exposure to the liquid carbon, otherwise it'll just be washed away too quick.

Don't go nuts with the amount of liquid co2 used though as it's highly toxic when overdosed.
Many Thanks James

Can I use excel instead of easy carbo...as I already have some of that?
I am having the same problem but I have A DIY Co2 system. I finish my exams tomorrow and gonana have to deal with it later this week. Any advice?
The BBA is back with a vengeance. 🙁
I have fire extinguisher CO2 at about 6 or 7 bps
Co2 comes on at 11.30am and goes off at 8pm

Light 2 times 35w Juwel Hi-Lite bulbs with reflectors
Lights come on at 2pm and go off at 9pm

Does this seem ok???

I am dosing 5ml of flourish excel per day (having no effect)
I've upped the co2 and dropped the light...what else can I try?

Please Advise!
Phil, you'll need to drop the light back and to resume multiple large water changes per week. I also noticed where you decided against removing infected leaves. I'd remove as much as possible.

How much more can you increase the injection rate without stressing the fish? That is your target for the moment. The rate certainly seems high enough, that's for sure but bubble rate means nothing as there is no standard bubble volume. The timing seems OK to me, a few hours before lights on should be OK.

Can you show us some images of your hardware configuration? Distribution method is in question.

Thanks for the reply Clive, I will get some photo's of the set up over the weekend.

When you say drop back on the lighting what do you mean, amps or time?