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Hair algae (corrected Black Brush Algae)

Well, I reckon disabling one bulb ought to do the trick. When you finally fix the problem and you want to bring both bulbs back on line you may then want to consider removing the reflectors.

Unfortunately it’s a Juwel system so both bulbs work off the same breaker.
I have remove one reflector for now
ceg4048 said:
Phil, Can you show us some images of your hardware configuration? Distribution method is in question.


Here are some photo's of the set up Clive

The Co2


The Internal filter with the drop checker and bubble counter in view


Directly below the internal filter is my Hydor turbo diffuser....bubbles rise and are blown towards the left filter


To the left is the fluval 305 external filter

Back wall one of the bad spots right next to the right hand side filter.


A week after I removed all bad leaves it starts coming back

Thanks for the photos. 😀

Well, it looks to me that the diffuser is hidden behind some plants so this prevents CO2 from reaching all areas in a "timely" manner. This is one of my biggest beefs with internal diffusers. Now, I'm not saying that CO2 doesn't find it's way across to the other side of the tank. What I'm proposing is that it's not happening quickly enough. Remember that your dropchecker has a 2 hour lag, so when lights go on it may not be indicating accurately. If you can mount multiple diffusers you'd have a better chance. You just have to manage the split gas.

There is also that back wall thing that affects flow. Wasn't it you that discovered what a terrible effect those mounted background have on flow and then removed it? Or did I dream that? Whatever, definitely, whether real or imagined, that thing is killing you because it's disrupting flow.

There is a thread where JamesC mounted a Koralia such that the output of the diffuser is sucked up and spread very efficiently by the Koralia's fan. I'll try to find that thread for you.

Standard procedure is to keep the tank trimmed so as to avoid blocking flow. As plants grow in their demands increase and they block flow so this is a double whammy. In any case I'm pretty sure you need to put the thinking cap on and try to get better distribution. Probably burning that background at the stake (Joan of Arc style) would be a good first step.

There is also that back wall thing that affects flow. Wasn't it you that discovered what a terrible effect those mounted background have on flow and then removed it? Or did I dream that? Whatever, definitely, whether real or imagined, that thing is killing you because it's disrupting flow.

you aren't dreaming, that is the first thing that came to my head too. I think it was flyfisherman.
No it was not me about the backing.....

Here is another pic about the flow....and the gap the diffuser has

Yeah, that was the one. Thanks Neil! 😀 There are probably as many way to mess up good flow/distribution as there are hobbyists, so have a read of that thread.

Backing removed....hopefully over the next week or so I may see some improvements
Still no signs of improvement...I have ordered a Koralia One powerhead to improve the flow of co2...if that does not fix it I don't know what else to do.
ceg4048 said:
Phil are you dosing Excel and doing physical removal?


I am doing everything you suggested.

Dosing 5ml excel per day
Removed the backing
Removing affected leaves
Removed the relectors from light
Upped the co2 flow rate (cant count bubbles) and added an extra hour to timer
Dropped lights an extra 30 mins on timer.
50% water changes every Sunday
I'm surprised that the Excel isn't doing the job. Normally, if enough Excel is added, within days the BBA turns red and starts to die off. If you have no shrimp or other sensitive critters in there you want to consider ODin the Excel.

Will Do Clive!!

Hopefully when the Koralia is added the flow will help spread the co2 about
Hi Phil, sorry this has turned into a soap opera mate, I do feel for you. It's frustrating. I went back to read all the posts in the thread and it seems that prior to the beginning of May you used Excel and you reported that the BBA turned red and ultimately disappeared. Then you stopped dosing and shortly afterward it reappeared. It was suggested that you turn on the gas earlier after you got the solenoid.

What I'm finding mysterious is that all of a sudden, the Excel treatment is not working. Could you clarify whether you are dosing the same amount of Excel now as you were back in May?

Now we need to get down to the nitty gritty. I want you to take some pH readings for me:

A reading 2 hours before GAS ON
A reading at LIGHTS ON
A reading 1 hour after LIGHTS ON
A reading at the middle of the photoperiod
A reading at LIGHTS OFF

We'll take a look at the CO2 profile and see where we are.

Hi Clive

Hey if I learn on the way it will all be worth it!!

I will take some readings over the weekend....this will give the new flow and the overdosing of excell chance to work
figues coming tomorrow.....new look without backing, hopefully you can see the co2 getting circulated better.
