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Garden Plant ID's. Post here!

Not my garden. The soil is much to poor for that.. The Mint is standing there for over 10 years now and is not really spreading that much. I love when the wind breezes trough and the smell of Mint and Basilicum in the morning. 🙂 I more worry about the Convolvulus sepium.. Fungus breeder..
ANybody familiar with this sneakin? I have no other idea that it came from outdoors, blown in by the wind or i spilled some seeds around i forgot about. But it surfaced spontaniously in a pot on the cabinet.
It looks like a nightshade.. 🙂 Never seen it before.. But searching for black barry i can't find anything alse than Solanum sp. (Sunberry, Wonderberry?)..
@dw1305 in his element here. Its his specialist subject on Mastermind.
Deadly nightshade!! 😱... I wasn't planning on eating it anyway..

Close, I think it is "Black Nightshade" Solanum nigrum.
Yup looking again at the picture above i see the older leaves indeed starting to lob.. The heart shaped young leaves threw me off.
The tomato like growform already gave it a bit away and thought that's some kinda nightshade.. 🙂 Not yet seen this one..
How the hell did it end up in apot that already stands for years? Not the typical seed that blows in with the wind.

I'll dispose of it, it's anual anyway.. Thanx..
I think the seed is spread by birds.

Yes that's what i assumed too... And the pot already stands for several years in the living room on a cabinet. With the same layer of hydro clayballs a layer of peat and a top layer of wood barkchips. It never moved from it's spot actualy. 🙂 But the sash window close to it stands open a lot. Now i wonder maybe if i have little tits etc.sneak in and fly around in my living room in the early hours. Kinda like the thought of that.. 🙂
Trimming the Ivy an old hanging pot emersed with this plant growing in it.. Is it a young Achillea millefolium?

Dunno, i can't find anything getting closer.. I hope it is, because it would be a nice presnet from mother nature as a culinary treat in the kitchen.. 🙂
Does a plant exist that looks very much like Rosemary but isn't?

It grew on my sheds tile roof on old leaf litter.

My first best guess was this is Rosemary, but it kinda smells different and less strong than the Rosemary i know... It yet hasn't develop flowers.. So i'm in doubt and out of guesses?


Can anybody confirm what this tree is? .
Photo of the cones aswell that have fallen from it. 20200407_163513.jpg 20200407_162737.jpg
Hi all,
It’s an Alder, probably Italian Alder (Alnus cordata).

Cheers Darrel

Hi Darrel

Thankyou for confirming what it is. Was wondering as thinking of collecting some cones and branches to use for a future aquarium.
Hi all,
Hi Darrel
Thankyou for confirming what it is. Was wondering as thinking of collecting some cones and branches to use for a future aquarium.
Should be fine, Alder wood is really soft, but rot resistant when it's <"continually wet"> (but not when it isn't). They used to use it for making <"wooden clogs"> etc.

I think all Alders are much of a muchness, other than A. cordata having bigger cones.

The cones <"have a lot of tannin">, and I think the bark does as well.

cheers Darrel
Hi all, Should be fine, Alder wood is really soft, but rot resistant when it's <"continually wet"> (but not when it isn't). They used to use it for making <"wooden clogs"> etc.

I think all Alders are much of a muchness, other than A. cordata having bigger cones.

The cones <"have a lot of tannin">, and I think the bark does as well.

cheers Darrel

That's good to hear that it wont rot when its fully submerged. Was thinkinh with the cones to maybe boil them and put them in more for looks, would these still be beneficial for shrimp if I was to do this or pretty pointless?.