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Journal Freds new pond build

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Cheers zozo and rebel Bricks to go on top layer of pond think this will go on at end of fibre glass. Next to come will be concrete for base at end of garden and footings for walls rendering still to finish on ponds . roof to go on filter pump house Indian stone to lay. Plumbing to do.electrics still to do. Lots and lots of jobs to do before big fill with water. best fred
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Fred, must be darn exiting for you, being away from home far away on a desolate rig somewhere cold, gray and stormy al day long this time of year. And having a major darn beautiful project like this going on at home.. 🙂 Can't imagine how exciting this must be for you. But one thing, this is realy rocking da house! :woot: Can't wait to see this finished. :thumbup: Realy awsome.. 🙂
its real frustrating zozo. when your out there in the north sea. wondering where there up to on the build. i get up dates on the build and photo s sent to me.so as to keep the post going. and keep you guy s up to date with the build.
but on the bright side my wife has been doing a good job while i have been away. telling me all what is going on. shaun is pretty good at his job and matty as well. i feel for them as well because the weather has always been against them.
so considering that. i am well pleased. when i walked through the door. and looked outside i thought yes nice. so thats when you realise what a good job is being done. slow but great. but it will get there in the end . i don t care if it takes until december so long as its done good.just kidding i want my fish in tomorrow but i know this will not happen anyway mate 3 weeks leave and rest. so take care mate all the best fred also russchilds thanks a lot mate ps my wife is slowly falling in love with build now she can see it coming together.
thanks Andy respect mate. i would rather you leave them in mate. if you can. i would rather people make there own mind s up. everyone is entitled to opinions
even me for that matter mate. but some people just see what they want to see. and write what they want. also the way they say things. so leave it in mate. people then can make what they want of
other people s opinions.i think i have shown that i am doing this post for people to learn off. and not for other comments that where made. also all the way through i have thanked and respected peoples opinions.
actually i have rather enjoyed doing the blog. and also going to other peoples posts and talking to them through the posts.and making a few friends.
keep up the good work andy. this is a great site you and the community out there have created. also the pond site is slowly growing mate. that s just my opinion ha ha all the very best fred
to Nick you got a pond mate thanks for reply pal. put some photos on mate and share it with us all.
yes i agree mate it is great being by the pond in the summer time. thats another reason for the new build.
so as i can be with it even in the winter. sat in the conservatory looking through the window. 3 feet away.
like having a giant aquarium in the living room. ha ha take care mate and get the photo s on. all the best fred
Hi Fred, looking good! I'm interested to see the whole garden and landscaping side of the project too. The pond I helped my parents with is lovely, but its the whole surroundings with the decking and patio and seating that make it an area you can sit and enjoy the pond.
hi wisey yeah mate. its the whole garden that counts. that s why i am doing the rest of it as well .i was nt going to add that in the post.
but like yourself some people are interested in other things. more then just pond s like gardening lights .gonna have lot s of these. my wife insists.
before we ripped the garden to shreds we had lot s of light and hanging baskets there won t be much happening until Tuesday now. bank holiday
all the best fred
If you look through the forums you will see quite a few threads on here which are plant and flower related rather than aquariums or ponds, so although its an aquatics forum, I think a lot of us here are interested in growing things in general, whether that would be in water or air! I'm sure plenty of folk will be interested to see how the whole project pans out. As awesome as the pond is, there is obviously a lot of brick work involved and it will be interesting to see how you soften that and blend it with the rest of the garden. Loads of possibilities!
had to drill hole in skimmer from 2"inch to 3"inch and change fittings.the reseal here are some photo s
underneath skimmer

back of skimmer brick work it will come out from wall with 90 swept bend see how bricks are laid on top of
wall.this will be the finish coping stones.when you see them on nearly there.

pipe work from skimmer glued and ready for when its bricked in from back of skimmer


here a photo of front of skimmer with lid on.

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yeah wisey thats where i will need help. my wife is good at the green fingered side of gardening. well she used to be.
the upper pond will be the start thats my baby. best fred
next one is me easy pod filter being cleaned after being away for 3 weeks. boiling and cleaning with air
then back washing to drains.for those that do not know. boiling is an expression it s not boiling hot. its boiling air rotating
thats all folks all the very best have a good bank holiday weekend. fred

Just bought a declorinator from absolute koi. 3 stage one takes out bugs, minerals metals. And cloreane expensive though.and all the brackets and fittings come with it. Kp2 supposed to be good. Recommended to me from experts.
I will put a photo of it on here
here is info on the purifier

THE KP2 SUPER is of similar design to the HILUX, being also fitted with the absolute-rated "SEDEX" pre-filter in our "Clearview" housing so that incoming particulate contaminants, so often toxic to aquatic species, can be monitored as they are trapped at this stage. The 'SEDEX' pre-filter is over 97% effective at 5 micron, absolute, thus being far more efficient than pre-filters supplied with most other makes of purifier, which rely more heavily on carbons to do the job which is easily done by the cheaper-to-replace 'SEDEX'

The 'SEDEX' pre-filter is followed by 2 sequentially-mounted "SHORT TRAVEL" carbons giving over 7.5 million sq.ft of filtration area, to reduce average levels of Free Chlorine to no more than .003ppm (the "safe" level for aquatic life) and remove Pesticides, Insecticides, VOCs, reduce Chloramine*, THMs etc. and minimise commonly encountered levels of "Heavy Metals" such as IRON, LEAD, COPPER, ALUMINIUM SULPHATE and some MANGANESE.

Up to 40,000 UK gallons @1-2gpm

Dimensions: Measures only 18" long by 13" high, complete with wall bracket, hosetails, full instructions and "pure water" piping - "READY-TO-USE"

Guarantees: Housing warranted for 5 years against defect, contents and fittings for 1 year, holding the "Water Byelaws-Approved Product" Certificate and conforming to BS6920 from a BS5750 source.HeEv
Cheers Roy much appreciated. Yeah the pond is slowly getting there. The weather is against us all of the time
If I had to build it again.it would start April may time. Not to worry. On the bright side there doing a terrific job.
Thank s mate you have a good bank holiday to. Best Fred
Stewart Thomson if your reading this reply to me mate. Just click on reply then submit a reply Best fred
Summer house base and footings for wall s concrete delivered Friday morning. It will be in two runs. First wagon 0700 second one when he return to depo. And returns back here. Pond lad s turned up today. Measured up to order fibre glass. But first to finish rendering tomorrow.
Today i found a pic of a pond from a dutch guy, vissiting a dutch aquatic plant forum.. You might find it inspirational Fred.. 🙂 But no idea if the submersed part is suitable for Koi.. Kinda doubt that a bit, but actauly don't know how far you can go with kois like this....
Very nice zo zo marcel. If you notice all is fish are little tidlers . Mine are huge in comparison mate.
My koi would destroy it in no time. Half the time it's playing not eating. Then all the plants end up in filteration then you have problems. Upper pond and stream them. That's the way I am going to beat them ha ha. But I do love the pond.
Nice view through infinity window as well. Great photo. Cheers marcel. Fred.
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