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Journal Freds new pond build

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Yes the guy doesn't want a koi pond he did it like this.. I kinda know from the goldfish i keep and they are already destroyers.. Kois would be far worse.. But the above emersed part of this setup is realy stunning. 🙂 The submerse dpart too ofcourse but indeed not a koi setup..
cheers marcel also tim the lads are finishing the rendering off. at the top 4 inches of pond to brick top. also upper pond.
then tomorrow it should be getting fibre glassed. hope the weather holds out. friday base for summer house and footings for garden new wall s
2x run with cement lorry to big an area for one run. 0700 friday morning.. all the best fred

also Tim thanks mate.
big day today finally fibre glassing. prep work first and rigging up.
table rigged up and ready to go


sweep up of pond bottom and clean and dry bottom drain


cutting of Tangible pond returns pipe work by matty so as flush with wall.


first there will be a coat of resin to protect and help bond fibre glass.
then thickish coat of fibre glass cloth.
then more resin on top of this.
then a finer fibre glass cloth on top.
then a light sand for sharp bit s sticking out. so fish do not damage there selfs.
then finish of with black flow coat.
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thick fibre glass first.


then thinner cloth on top so up th there that is thickness. just needs black flow coat on top


cannot win with weather the first coat is going of to quickly. Sun to hot.so instead of both doing applying one now cutting and one
applying. even thought they altered mix for temperatures
cheers Ian that explains it a little better then how i put it down. five butter fly finned koi just arrived
acclimatise them first and quarantine them for a while. then put in holding vat with my other fish. nice one tim and thanks.
rest of the fibre glassing pictures

that s 2 coats on
and skimmer end fiber glassed
floor three quarters done one coat so needs thinner cloth on top of this then light sand down and float black coat and bottom drain still to do.and black flow coat

infinity window frame delivered today just been welded

thats it for today. start early at six oclock cement delivered at 0700 first run for base and footings all the best fred
That really is deep...hadn't realised until I saw someone standing in it...certainly is epic😉
Yea i thought the same. Had not realised the depth to this!! Fred will you be tempted to do a bit of scuba diving????

Id also like to say this is one of my favourite threads at the moment on the forum. Its the first one i look out for on the timeline

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Glad to hear that quote sk3lly and troi that lad is matty and he is six foot two. So that gives you better idea lads also on the scuba diving your supposed to go in the pond and have your photo took waving in the window. It's a koi new build tradition .and then put it online .i think I will top mine up from the hot tap. Ha ha fred
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Truly an epic build.. Amazing.. :thumbup:
long finned butterfly koi
This also amazes me, how do those breeders go with this?? Is this just a mutation by chance and selectivey bred afterwords? Or do have breeders certain techniques to manipulate long fin growth? In tropical spieces they are popping up also, like the long finned tetra and danio.. 🙂
Have not got a clue. I have a couple of Natural koi. Man s done this colouring.same with Finns and tails marcel
I am glad they have as there beautiful. To me anyway. Glad to hear some of you think the pond is good. I must be doing something right. Let's put it this way marcel I am over the moon ha ha best fred

I have just googled how to do you breed a butterfly koi. And what it said was a normal koi was mated with a gold fish that s what someone thinks. I have a fantail goldfish so maybe it was one of those.
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Could be, they do hybridize, tho the ancestor of the goldfish is alledged the Carassius gibelio tho they are already domesticated for 1000ds of years they seem to be pretty sure. But as far as i know hybrids are sterile.. Somehow they managed to get long finned varieties of them goldfish. And strange heads, poppy eyes etc. Rather strange and also intresting how they do it. 🙂 But they are indeed beautifull fish, never saw them before..

I can imagine your over the moon, i would be.. Wont take very long anymore it all goes in steady run now...

How do they actualy seal that metal frame from the glass (acrylic) panels into the brickwork? Is that done with the fiberglass coating inside?.. Also amazing actualy to get this watertight..
If you google Atlantic gardens viewing Windows you will see pictures of a stand alone frame
They hav e lugs on sides. With holes in the lugs. So you can put steel rods down Into the footing and lugs
Then brickwork. It in. We did not do this we noticed to lips one pushing outward and one inwards . On the frame. So we
Brickwork only. It would have to snap the frame in half to come away. Because one is pushing against the other if you know what I mean. The rod lugging way are there for if you go with say one lot of blocks.and backfill. We have blocks and brickwork. The infinity window frame will drilled an screwed into brick work then fibre glassed . Then when glass is installed. Beads of silicone inside and outside of window Frame. For seal. When installing window to silicone put the glass sucker cups on glass get wood beam on outside of wall and ratchet strap and pull tight. And hold for at least 24 hours. Then add second coat of silicone. Believe it or not the glass will never move as water pressure holds glass in alone. Hope this helps. Marcel

Yeah marcel over the moon mate. Still be a while. Take today. Off the pond now until Monday. There doing summer house base and footings today. Start at 0630. For concrete delivery.thats why I up early. Take dog for walk before start.
All the best Fred
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all there at 0615 he turned up at 0655 cement truck ready for cement laying.
pour just started for summer house base 8 inch of ready mix they put some graft in to get it over to far side to
my inner wall

most of cement in at the base
base been shuttered and levelled
wait on next load for all the footings
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just see footings through net fence

footing s down other way down side of the house
better photo of footings for outside wall brick work

thats it today folks have a good weekend fred
I know the perfect name for your garden house.. :thumbup: "The pondarosa"... :lol: But then you must name all the kois after the Bonaza characters.
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