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Journal Freds new pond build

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New change in pond build. Now having two viewing windows. One each end of pond. Build now starting in January. Once started I will take plenty of photos and keep you posted.
Hi everyone names Fred. starting a new build. my old pond was about 2000 gallons in ground.

2 x in pond pumps to 2x uv. to 2x easypod.

My new build is going to be 4.5 meters' L 4x meters width 5.5 meters depth. 3 ft above ground 2.5 below ground. upper pond waterfall with plants filtration. skimmer to easy pod. spin drifter bottom aerated . 4inch pipe work. fed to ultra sieve 3. then balance lined to nexus 320 . Right at this moment I have to brand new speck Badu pumps. A 12000 and a 14000. I may change these to two smaller pumps. As there too big for this project. looking at selling these if anyone is interested. changing to 8000.and a 10,000 also I have fish pump for skimmer a 15000pump. the pond will be roughly 5000 gallons. 2 x windows one an infinity and one I bought of atlantica. Also fibre glassing all included. so that's about it for now.

photos to follow as project kicks on. I have a firm doing the build Hull firm called clear water aquatics a guy called Shaun porter. Knows his stuff and Mathew. very good grafters.

the start. tree removal

Tree Now gone. Broke my heart getting rid of this tree

old pond to be emptied and fish took out

fish in vat holding tank with pod


old pond now empty

Digger moves in

pond just about dug out I five hours .good day all round lots of soil and clay to get rid off


That's it for now folks keep you updated. advice well come . lots to do.


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levelling off the dig today. was let down by soil waste people today so took it by the horns and ordered a grabber truck tomorrow. up early for this. about 20 tons. the truck is a 15 tonner. so take 15 ton of it tomorrow. then wait until there is enough for ordering another 15 ton truck. there will be as they are building walls all around my garden. so need footings digging out. filter base also has been dug out. Bricky coming Saturday to start internal wall. as one side will be my back wall for filter house. this will be 6 foot in height. i am only 5 foot seven so 5 inch head clearance ha ha.

Bottom drain 1 inch and four inch glued to bottom drain and lined up to filter base. So coming along nicely . i am away for 3 weeks on Sunday. so you will not hear from me for 3 weeks. i work on the oil rigs so her is some updated photos. enjoy. thought i would have heard from people on the forum by now. any way enjoy. all the best Fred

Levelling out pond

Shaun gluing 1 inch acierated pipe glued to bottom drain


Gluing 4 inch pipe work to bottom drain


Lined up and all glued in to filter house


thats it for today folks all the best fred
Cheers darran.sorry I haven't been on the forum for a while. Waited 4 months longer for the build to start . because of weather on the lads other jobs.so basically. 3 months behind. On my build. There bloody good grafter s. So at the speed there going at it
Shouldn't be to long. Hopefully the build should give me 5000 gallon. I am having one end of the pond rounded. So that the pond return s keeps the water circulating. Skimmer to a pod.. 2x windows. Upper raised pond with plants gravel and all that stuff. With air pipes in to clean it. Thanks for replying all the best. fred
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Thanks Andy. I had tropical fish tanks a bout 25years ago. Got rid once we moved house. Then found I missed the fish keeping. That's how I ended up with an outside pond.and now I am older. It's now my hobby. I have about 15 koi. 10 Rudd. 3 tench. 1 fantail goldfish. That's my wife's pet. So that's the reason for the rebuild on the pond. I want it to basically self clean its self. Like next year. I plan on installing a Draco drum inside the nexus 320. There the business. Reasons are I work away. I read your posts on your plants and tanks. Very interesting. You seem to know your stuff mate. Anyway it's late now.have to get some shut eye. 20 ton of soil to remove from garden. All the very best fred
Up nice and early this morning 0700 grab truck arriving. i live next door to a doctors surgery my home was the doctors years ago. and we have to do every thing early because of cars . Ie deliveries and concreting so when the cement comes for the base it will be pumped right in the hole .so has to be early. Here are some photos of the soil and waste leaving the garden it was 15 ton truck. he weights it as he loads up. he took 16 ton. Bless him. we still had about 4 ton left over. But like i said in the post earlier when more is dug out. from the walls. for footings. it will be worth the price to take it away. For they charge £306.00 a load. and hire. which my way of thinking, and advice from shaun. i thought was a good price. imagine barrowing all that then the same again. and how many skips. at what price. so i believe it was worth it. some photos following

grab truck taking waste soil away

Grab truck working away.


Shaun and Mathew clearing up after grab truck left us.


After clean up. what soil and clay is left over.


Well that's all for now guys they will be laying base for pond on Tuesday and filter house plus footings for wall so they can start to run pipe work to filter house. then block work. windows and the rest. like i said earlier i am away on Sunday. so i will not be posting for the next few weeks. the lads are going to send me photos and up dates on what's app so i will still see progress. all the best Fred. hope you like the post so far.
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while i have been away offshore on the rigs. i have been getting updates and photos. just thought i would let you all know where the stage is at. i still have 12 days to go out here so when i get home i will up date with photos. the first lot of bricks sand and blocks plus cement was delivered. the concrete came for 8 inch floor of pond . concrete lorry mixer and it was pumped in. not mixed by hand. plus footings foundations for inner wall and filter base was done at same time.
well the bottom drain has been concreted in. tested and the depth of concrete was 8 inch. its been slow going because of weather. once the concrete went in. after about 2 hours it was under 2 inch of water. But i am glad to say the concrete still went off and hardened. The pond builders as of yesterday started building the blocks in the pond. after the water was pumped out. they where laid flat up to ground level. to make it a lot stronger. the blocks have been put in to about half way around the pond. also my filter base has been concreted down. they also started building the inner wall of my garden wall which is going all around my garden. taking away my wooden fences and replacing with seven foot walls. reason this was started first was because that wall will also be the back wall of the filter house. and also my upper pond will come of this. so progress is being made slowly but being made. slow because of weather. anyway folks that's all for now. like i said .photos of this part will be uploaded when i get home. all the best hope your enjoying reading and people are learning from this post. i know i am,
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London dragon I was lookink all over the net. For information on how to build a pond.came on this site . liked the friend ship and chat. So thought I would share my build and experience with all who wants to read still away.back home a week Monday. I will then update.
Raven hill \ and happy dog Thanks for watching and showing interest like in the post above i was looking all over the net then came across this site. i was looking for to learn how to build a bog filtration system. for the upper pond part of the build. anyway it turns out that when it comes to it. the firm building my pond are up to speed with the knowledge of this. Clear water aquatics from Hull. they do Glass aquariums as well as pond builds. but i still learned a lot my self on this site. and that's how i joined the site . Update on build.
The brick layer came and built my inner wall to the garden. my upper pond is being Tied of this wall plus filter house so basically this has to be erected as quick as possible so the upper pond and filter house can be lined up correctly with my lower pond. they will be back to day. to finish off. when i saw photo on my phone i was most impressed. he built to around 4 feet high and around 30 feet length. this wall is going to be around six feet high.because it is also my garden wall. ripped fences down. thats all for now folks.
Just had nice weather at home.but no builders for 4 days. Builder moving house.which is fair enough. So progress on hold until Thursday. All the best fred
alto when i do this i put it all on word. then copy and paste it in small or nice fit. so to see them better just put mouse arrow on photo right click copy the image open word and paste onto word. and you can enlarge that photo has large as you want.
it works because i have just tried it. what i do is take photo with my phone then trans-fare them to word. then copy and paste to the thread,hope this helps. i am still away on the rig. will be home Monday Tuesday. so there will be lots of photos updates. its killing me not been there but the builder and my wife are doing me proud. this pond and the garden transformation is my dream. waited a long long time for this. all the best fred
thanks Aaron for liking my thread. to everyone who has seen the thread. i am sorry if i missed replying to you. there is now lots of reply's to answer to, which is good because we are all sharing our experiences and helping other people out. thats why i love this site. best Fred
the thread i have learned lots of.was Ed Seeleys thread. in ponds. He knows his stuff.and gives great advice on his build.
On train heading home from Edinburgh. Wifes told me.the pond builders are back building pond.so photos and updates tomorrow. Best fred
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