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Four Seasons 300L Finish

Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (some new pics)

Thanks Rik. You guys are welcome to come in any time if happen to be around walthamstow 😉 The event as you might already know is scheduled for february. Will see how it goes and decide if its beginning or end of the month. Now that co2 is sorted i am feeling quite confident that the success is just the matter of time.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (some new pics)

Looking great 🙂 You could always cut the bent piece and make it more straight, might look better. Or just remove that one and not the one closer to the glass on the left.

Any thoughts on adding some mosses to wood?
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (some new pics)

Thanks Flygja and Paulo.
Cutting is an option. The left piece has to be cut as well as it is too long and just caries your eyes away from the scape.
I quite like the bare look of wood as Victor pointed. Will think about the mosses later. I am lucky i didnt use mosses in the beginning as would have probably lost all when i had problems with the tank.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (some new pics)

An update.



Some quick pics, wrong time though. Taken after 4 more extra lighting hours so loads of pearling bubbles.
Too much contrast as well. Working blind at the moment, my home laptop does not show colors at all, no contrast.
Getting 27inch monitor for an upgrade :clap: in few days.

As you see i have removed some redmoor and now it looks much better. Also planning to remove blyxa from the foreground completely and replace with staurogyne which i have some but would like to get about 15-30 stems more for a quicker fill. If anyone planning to trim in the near future you are more than welcome to contact me 😉.
Some trimming heights must be corrected next time, aromatica is overgrown and does not much other background. Arcuata is barely visible. Righthand side stems struggling. Dont know the reason, its rotala which is planted there.
Its is close and behind the powerhead. Now lowering the lights back down. It was about 60cm High. Plants responded with redder colors immediately :clap: . Got it down about 15cm in 1 week. Any opinions welcome. I'd like to remind that its the first time i am using halides. Was away for a week last week. No major cataclysms this time. Lifted the lights higher and reduced period for an hour down to 6 hours while away.
Please comment.

P.S. Notice the fifferent hights in hairgrass. Do you think parvula and acicularis could be trimmed to look more or less the same? You could notice Bolbitis leaves emerging on the right side. Only the rhizome survived after initial mistakes.
P.P.S. Empty FE replaced by 6.35 kg bottle from LondonGases 24£ Gas and 50£ deposit for the bottle. Free delivery when you need it. Comfortable service but bottles are 85cm high and wont fit into standard cabinets.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

Piece-of-fish said:
Notice the fifferent hights in hairgrass. Do you think parvula and acicularis could be trimmed to look more or less the same?

it's shorter at the sides, and longer in the middle, make it the other way around IMO :thumbup:

looks awesome!!!
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

Mark Evans said:
Piece-of-fish said:
Notice the fifferent hights in hairgrass. Do you think parvula and acicularis could be trimmed to look more or less the same?

it's shorter at the sides, and longer in the middle, make it the other way around IMO :thumbup:

looks awesome!!!

Thats the problem Mark. Its mostly acicularis in the middle and parvula on the sides 😳
It was only acicularis first and then after glosso failed i have received loads of parvula from Jurii. Thats the story.
How can it be fixed? Replanting the whole thing?
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

Piece-of-fish said:
How can it be fixed? Replanting the whole thing?

i guess, live with it. On no account does it look bad...far from it. It's minor issues mate. A lesson maybe. I learn this way.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

Yep, wisdom comes with time... 🙂

Had a trim yesterday and sent out loads of cuttings to members 😉 . Right side has recovered a bit when i lowered the lights, red plants got redder as well so i am guessing there wasnt too much light.
I have thinned acicularis in the middle, removed all blyxa from the front and now waiting for staurogyne to arrive. Will apload pics when staurogyne will be planted.

I am also switching to midday boorst mode with the lights. Will see if that will give me slower growth and mb less algae (have gsa and gda wich is very annoying). The lights will be as follows:
2h 2x39w T5 6500K for viewing
4h 2x39w plus 2x150w MH 6500K for plants 😀
3h 2x39w T5 6500K for viewing

Sometimes i find red cherries on the floor 🙁 Maybe they jump out when chased by bleeding hearts in the dark when they get of the bottom?
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (some new pics)

Piece-of-fish said:
Thanks Rik. You guys are welcome to come in any time if happen to be around walthamstow 😉 The event as you might already know is scheduled for february. Will see how it goes and decide if its beginning or end of the month. Now that co2 is sorted i am feeling quite confident that the success is just the matter of time.

I think I will wait or else I spoil the surprise that awaits me.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

Themuleous said:
That's your tank? Sodding hell, that's a beaut. I love it. You have to enter this into the comps.

Awesome work, cant rate this highly enough :thumbup:


Thanks a lot. Hopefully that will be my first iaplc entry 😳 Should get that right side sorted, have plenty of time though and could replant the stems completely.
Received loads of staurogyne today from Laimyzaz :thumbup: so will get some pictures tomorrow.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

I really like your tank, 300L is a lot more space for plants and nice layout. I love the wood + plants composition.
Looks pretty healthy to me, one can not tell that you are having some algae issues.
I wonder how the tank would look like with the bright blue background (white one imho beats the black one).
One thing that you might work on (I know I need to) is the quality of the pictures.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

Thanks Schraptor. I do like white more as well. Just decided to keep black for a month or 2 now.
Photography need to improve, i agree.

So, i have added staurogyne but due to high hairgrass you cant really see it. Hope later when it grows it would be visible.
I have added one rock wrapped with Monosoleum tenerrum and one with fissidens fontanus in the middle under the blyxa to add more contrast to the middle.

Could anyone suggest how to trim blyxa correctly?
Quick snap with a dirty glass 😳

Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Black and White)

Piece-of-fish said:
Could anyone suggest how to trim blyxa correctly?
Its more like a stem, I found it was best to uproot it, break it up and replant it, but I only had a 125l tank!
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Trimmed)

Thanks Paulo, i think you are right. Best way to replant... I trimmed it once like a stem 😳 but there were no new shots after 2 weeks.
I'd like to change blyxa for something else in the left corner. Dont know what though.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Trimmed)

Piece-of-fish said:
Thanks Paulo, i think you are right. Best way to replant... I trimmed it once like a stem 😳 but there were no new shots after 2 weeks.
I'd like to change blyxa for something else in the left corner. Dont know what though.

I guess it prob wont work, but I reckon a curtain of vallis nana would look nice. But would ruin the textures created.
Re: Untitled Yet 300L optiwhite (Trimmed)

Thanks Tony and bazz.

No nana in there please Rik :lol: The area i want to fill is between mm and hairgrass, just under the filter tubes so that has to be something midground height.