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"Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

how much did the old tank cost to run? the 860 litre, as this is close to the size im getting (900)
the co2 cost mainly. ill be using the 480w lighting I already have, so the only increase I will have is the extra co2 and ferts, but as I am new to this I am worried about the co2 cost
how much did the old tank cost to run? the 860 litre, as this is close to the size im getting (900)
the co2 cost mainly. ill be using the 480w lighting I already have, so the only increase I will have is the extra co2 and ferts, but as I am new to this I am worried about the co2 cost

Hi jason if you have a good local bottled gas supplier it should be relatively inexpensive to top up a pub gas sized bottle. If using an fe it wouldnt last too long as they dont hold much.
On my 450 litre which I was using almost 4 watts per gallon of light using halides I was getting just short of 6 months from a 20kg 3n half foot tall cylinder and refills cost me 7.50 a time

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
oh wow, very little. thanks. I thought it was going to break the bank, I have a 450 litre at the moment.
I have 5wpg of t5 ho, but I have to turn two tubes off(160w) as I had algae and fish gasping,
ill slowly work on it.

a problem I have is its a piranha tank, so ottos are a no go. then have catfish. which eats everything else.
oh wow, very little. thanks. I thought it was going to break the bank, I have a 450 litre at the moment.
I have 5wpg of t5 ho, but I have to turn two tubes off(160w) as I had algae and fish gasping,
ill slowly work on it.

a problem I have is its a piranha tank, so ottos are a no go. then have catfish. which eats everything else.

I dont want to hog Sanjs thread but 5wpg is ALOT of light and if your diffusing through a jbl taifun which arent very efficient then the whopping lighting you have (which you dont need) coupled with a poor co2 diffuser will be your answer to the algae.
Possibly lack of nutrients too.
Fish gasping isnt a good sign either. You need to dial up the gas slowly until drop checker reaches the desired colour and fish arent showing signs of distress. A little water agitation helps lots too.
Algae, poor plant growth etc will mean plants arent producing adequate oxygen either hence gasping.
Tanks dont need huge amounts of light. Best to keep it low and have healthy plants and happy fish

You could re consider your fish stocking too.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
not reconsidering the fish stock 😛
but I do have it only using 4 tubes of the 6 now, and my algae seems fine now. haven't noticed anymore at least.
I will have a go on your fx5 diffuser I think, otherwise I can buy these UP ones for it?
Hello, I could go 6 months on the old 860 litre with 2x 5kg bottles. It only cost me £10 to refill both, but prices can vary quite a bit. However I would agree the lighting is very strong and that in itself would require more co2 input. In comparison on this tank (~1600l) I only have 216w for most of the 7 hour photo period, just a 1 hour burst of full 432w in the evening, really for viewing.

I think Lighting then heating are the two biggest costs. It is hard to measure the heating, but I know in summer the KWh usage goes down significantly.
Just found this. Not sure if it is still up, but congratulations on a very nice tank, very well done! Lots of plants and lots of fish, just what i want!

Thank you Edvet,

It is still going, I will post and update every now and then. It just evolves now, plants gradually change, looks like Tom might have another stump for me...


I will pm you. Thanks.
oof! Big IS indeed beautiful! This is 29 times my current tank and 5.3 the 'big' one I want. I'm gonna show this to Mrs O to make out how 'reasonable' my 300l tank idea is😀

Did I miss the 'doors open' pic of your filter/heater/breading tank?
Hehe... I think if Mrs O really loves her partner she will allow him to express his creativity. 😀

I have recently taken some delivery of wood from Mr TB. It is all a bit bouyant at the moment. Mummy and daddy stumps had babies. Not sure on what the outcome will be, but hopefully an improvement.

Hmm yeah, I didnt take photos of the under tank bit... its not neat and tidy like Mr Farmers. I will get around to it.
Hehe... I think if Mrs O really loves her partner she will allow him to express his creativity. 😀

I have recently taken some delivery of wood from Mr TB. It is all a bit bouyant at the moment. Mummy and daddy stumps had babies. Not sure on what the outcome will be, but hopefully an improvement.

Hmm yeah, I didnt take photos of the under tank bit... its not neat and tidy like Mr Farmers. I will get around to it.
Oooooo look forward to baby stumps getting added mate. Dont envy you having to re arrange bits n pieces in that tank. Im finding it hard just cleaning the wood etc in mine and we arent much different in size.
What ideas have you got

Ps im with you in the messy underneath. Mines just piled with boxes
I sent this piece thinking it would offer a nice stump top look with flowing roots coming off in the displayed position.


This will take up much less area than some of the other pieces I had in mind and weighed less also. Ideally, I wanted something a bit larger, but..........in general, always go just a touch smaller than you think, never larger.
So it will not require a rip out of the entire tank etc, just a 1/2 hour and a large water change.

I'd soak for 2 weeks personally.

I have a piece for my 70 Gallon that's been soaking for over a month now.
But the piece will be mature and look awesome right away.
Mini pellia pushed into the cracks and grooves will look nice on this. Been doing that for a client and some of my own tanks.
Easy to add and gives a very nice old aged look to the wood.

Naturally, some of you who have gotten wood from me may have noticed the Lichen attached, the Ricciardia emulates that submersed.
Oh! umm I think it must have broke then in the shipping... I kind of recognise it, but that right branch ends at the twist/knot. The one on the top left is not there and I think the second left (longer branch) is also broken off... awww 🙁 , but i guess that is the risk with shipping delicate wood.

So I thought it was meant to go the other way round, oops. I will have a look when I get home, see if I can recognise the other pieces.
Yes, I had a feeling. I'm headed up to collect more wood tomorrow and then the next week a big haul till it;'s closed off for the mud snow season. We get about 14 meters of snow a year in this region average.
If I spot some nice top, I'll send it.