Hi Clive and members
I know it s not the wright place to talk about this because we are in light section but as we started to talk about this on this thread I think it's better to continue here.
So first more than a week ago switched the outlet from right back corner to left front corner p, pointing toward the left front corner. This was done for better flow on the lower front part.
After a week I have noticed a great improvement on the HC starting to shoot new bright green leaves.
But I wasn't happy about the flow, and I started notice some hair algae at the back that was just starting.
So two days ago I decided to take out the Lilly pipe and switch to the spray bar. I know I know Clive it took me some time to switch. But I wanted to experiment my self first before taking that step haha. Now since two day riccia start to pearl yeeeaaah hehe
I have also crank up a bit the CO2. Now I am waiting the in line atomizer I have order yesterday. For waiting I have put the inside diffuser on the front glass.
Now flow is much better and I will follow the evolutions with that change and let you know.
Ok I have two questions
I have finish my flourish comprehensive and I need to make a micro solution with my dry trace mix. But I am not sure about the quantity could you help me with that please. The mix is coming from a French web site.
As I have two tank if you could give me for both it would be great
First one is the 23 G tank
Second is the 70 G tank.
My other question is about the DIY 4KH solution. I have followed your recipe with backing soda. But once I have put the ph reactor, the solution turned yellow, almost orange and since than it stayed in this color ! Even if I hang the drop checker out side of the tank !
U have used bicarbonate de soude in french is it this that I have to use ?
Here is a side view of the 23 G tank. As you can see HC was not doing good. I have took this pic before changing the outlet. I wanted to share this pic because I like it lol.

Thanks for you your time
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I know it s not the wright place to talk about this because we are in light section but as we started to talk about this on this thread I think it's better to continue here.
So first more than a week ago switched the outlet from right back corner to left front corner p, pointing toward the left front corner. This was done for better flow on the lower front part.
After a week I have noticed a great improvement on the HC starting to shoot new bright green leaves.
But I wasn't happy about the flow, and I started notice some hair algae at the back that was just starting.
So two days ago I decided to take out the Lilly pipe and switch to the spray bar. I know I know Clive it took me some time to switch. But I wanted to experiment my self first before taking that step haha. Now since two day riccia start to pearl yeeeaaah hehe
I have also crank up a bit the CO2. Now I am waiting the in line atomizer I have order yesterday. For waiting I have put the inside diffuser on the front glass.
Now flow is much better and I will follow the evolutions with that change and let you know.
Ok I have two questions
I have finish my flourish comprehensive and I need to make a micro solution with my dry trace mix. But I am not sure about the quantity could you help me with that please. The mix is coming from a French web site.
As I have two tank if you could give me for both it would be great
First one is the 23 G tank
Second is the 70 G tank.
My other question is about the DIY 4KH solution. I have followed your recipe with backing soda. But once I have put the ph reactor, the solution turned yellow, almost orange and since than it stayed in this color ! Even if I hang the drop checker out side of the tank !
U have used bicarbonate de soude in french is it this that I have to use ?
Here is a side view of the 23 G tank. As you can see HC was not doing good. I have took this pic before changing the outlet. I wanted to share this pic because I like it lol.

Thanks for you your time
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