These are pics 3 days after treatment with API algae fix.
You can see zero damage to all plant species and fish are fine.
This tank had a touch of BBA flair up due to the purposed reduction in CO2(pH went up 0.3).
This induced a nice healthy aggressive green hair algae bloom mostly, the UG was covered as where most stem plants and the R wallichii.
There is no hair algae left.
I was hoping to test the Algae fix to kill the low grade fire shrimp.
This failed, I found dozens left.
The algae test however, was a success.
Seems the algaefix will kill many/most of the shrimps, but not 100%.
In test tanks without as many plants and soil etc, this is not the case.
Soil likely binds and bacteria laden tanks can perhaps break the pesticide AI much more than the bare tanks.
I'm quite pleased at the selectivity.
As many cannot remove all their shrimp, this at least gives then some chance and perhaps you can remove them here and there during treatment, and there's no adverse impact on mosses or any vascular plants I can discern.
So far this product was effective killing the most troublesome hair algae species(Rhizo, Spirogyra, Vaucheria, Cladophora).
I have not tested it on Algae balls. Those are easy to remove during treatment.
I do not think it kills diatoms, BBA, BGA at all.
Otto's and plecos can address most all diatom issues I've ever seen.
BBA:CO2/Excel Spot treatments with Excel/H2O2, SAE's etc.
BGA:Blackouts, KNO3, EM and KNO3 post dosing.
GDA: I need to hear back from more folks on this. Result seem encouraging. I had a strong aggressive bloom and it took care of it with one treatment.
Other long time victims are trying it.
Note the UG, the growth and the difference since the Rummies have been removed is astounding.
Compare when I induced the algae:
Then the week prior to that: