The hole by the main piece of wood will have more UG added.
I like the color of the R sunset, I did not really give it a chance before.
I can get a nice thicket going and it'll look nice like the L inclinata, but nowhere near as weedy and folks will actually buy sunset off me.
Good choice, but as is the case often times, you have to try it and see what you think.
Just the way it goes most times.
1st Harvest from the Elatine hydropiper, the root mat is really dense, more dense that Gloss, HC etc. It stays pretty well rooted unlike most plants this size( dwarf Clover, HC, Gloss even).
Where the tank is headed the next 1-2 weeks.
I am uncertain how the new Alternanthera cardinalis will do, this is a different vareirty than what we typically get in the USA.
The A reineckii tends to do better for me in lower light, as an understory plant.
I want to see if this biotype will be different.
N. pedicillata is the normal type Yellow etc, it is not the Golden N pedicillata from FAN.
UG will fill in the back side there, more downoi will be trimmed as it grows and will fill that spot in nicely.
This Right side below hopefully will recover from these new Erio broadleaf. We are not sure what species they are. I mixed some of the smaller trimmings of the Tonina. The yellow leaves are the dying emergent leaves on the Erios. Hopefully they will make it and retain the slight off blue color. I also removed most of the Fissidens, it was a trap for detritus and algae. Mini Pellia seems to work better.