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"Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

Yep some updates there. Facebook seems to have stolen a lot of interaction with forums. However I guess it also saves people like Tom some time by just updating Facebook rather than 10 different forums.
Fair call. It seems like I need to sign up to view his channel. Grrr...
Hi Tom,
Please update this amazing thread. I have noted on Facebook that your 120 gal scape is operating and I wonder what new rare plants you are now keeping in it actually.
Thank in advance
I'm getting ready to break the tank down and redo it. Many of you know me for the wood, but I've been busy collecting some really nice rock locally here in California. I run and mountain bike a lot and many of the areas I've spotted rock that is very well suited. I'm thinking of several of these to give a specific flow to the tank design and switch the planting more of the rare and colorful plants to the other 70 gallon which I just set up.


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This rock is highly textured and has a green blue hue to a nice earthy brown. Mostly it is thin plate like, which is most useful and it can be cut and broken without too much effort. I have about 600 kg sitting here I've collect. I sold 300 kg off thus far. I mountain biked over it along a trail for a few years. It's just laying there. I hike up with a backpack and carry it down. 600 kg is a lot of weight to move 1.7 km each way down a mountainside. I make make enough to pay for the time and gas.........but not much more. But it's more for my own selfish wants.


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Amazing stone!
- Private Land Treaty?

Laws here prohibit the removal of any plant or stone material (or anything really) from public lands
Haha I see some Heryy Rasio has rubbed off on you... 🙂
It's been several years since this thread was actively contributed to but I think it's worth reviving scapes from Featured Journals every now and then. This one of Tom Barr's in particular stands out. Aside from being inspirational, it offers an amazing insight in to successfully growing aquatic plants. It's well worth a read.
This thread keep many of us spell bound for a few years!
It did, you're right about that. Just amazing to see what an expert like Tom could achieve. But he wasn't at all shy when it came to showing warts and all. He wanted to keep it real, and show the ugly side too so folk wouldn't get discouraged. However, his worst is still arguably better than mosts best 😁

What happened to Tom Barr? Is he still posting on social media?
The Barr Report is still up and running. But I don't think Tom has posted in a while, well over a year. It's where UKAPS first got going, and it still has a forum there.

This will be interesting viewing and reading!

I need the right volume of the species, I need the right contrast between groups, I need the overall color scheme to feel balanced, I need to test what works as far as each species type and response to current and location. Then the height of each plant needs accounted for and maintained with reasonable management effort.
I'm no aquascaper but this seems a good concise set of considerations.

So much surface agitation in the first pic on this post - is that optimal? I have nothing like that.
In my opinion Tom Barr has contributed more than just about anyone to the science of planted tanks and the hobby in general. He revolutionized fertilization and dispelled a lot of myths about what causes algae. It’s too bad he doesn’t post on any forums (especially this one) anymore.
It's been several years since this thread was actively contributed to but I think it's worth reviving scapes from Featured Journals every now and then. This one of Tom Barr's in particular stands out. Aside from being inspirational, it offers an amazing insight in to successfully growing aquatic plants. It's well worth a read.
Funny you brought this up, I was looking for his journal just the other day and was perusing barrreport until I realized he posted it here! Lots of good information and his humility is refreshing. However, not sure what he needed it for because as you stated, even his worst was exceptional.