paulsouthuk said:
Just wanted to say how lovely the tank looks. I wish it was in my lounge! How much pruning do you do it looks very manicured. I'm one envious bloke!!!!
Well, I sell the cuttings, so pruning = $
I farm aquatic plants and they make good $ since I keep the more pricier hard to find species.
I add more than folks ask for when buying and they come to them in really vigorous shape.
So I can charge a fair price for them.
So pruning is not a chore I do not get an allowance for
I trim some rows and patches here and there, but many stay in the same stop, maybe topping the tips and planting those to thickening the group up more. So I really only trim maybe once every 2 months for many, and then might spend maybe 10-15 min carefully trimming any decay or poor plant parts off with scissors or fingers. I have a few day window to do this before things get ratty, which is plenty of time actually. I also do a large water changes 1-2x a week, so while the tank drains/refills, I clean the filter, trim and net shrimp out of the overflow box.
Tonina sells for about 40$ for 6 stems, tornado, maybe 45$ for 6 stems. Most sell those plants like 10-15$ per stem or ebay I see 20-40$ per stem. UG? A small 5cm x5cm rug? 40$ Will be sold in a couple of hours max. Red pantanal? 4-6$ per stem, I sell 6 nice size ones for about 30$. Starougyne from my 180? 25$ for 20+ plants. Belem hair grass(the same clone that Tropica sells now), 35$ for a 5cmx 25cm sod. So 200$ on a weak no growth month, maybe 500-600$ on a good month. Certainly enough to fund the electic build and supplies. Screw competitions, I make more than the prize money every years, and year after year.
Only took me 35 years of losing money to learn how to make money in this hobby
But this tank and the others have all paid for themselves a few times over now.
So spending a lot of $ on a special plant species, or a really nice light, CO2 dual stage regulator etc, all worth while for me. I'll make enough back to pay for it. My time is free, but it's therapeutic also.