Hi all,
For example Potassium Nitrate will always be 13-0-46
That is it.
For you clearly all these calculations seems like a breeze but for me the chemical names and their formula, coupled with percentages, mass, ppm etc etc etc makes it a nightmare

. I was never good in chemistry.
Yes, just use one of the calculators.
I can remember the RAM of most of the nutrients, but I had to go and check for zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) etc.
Joke aside now I need to figure out how to calculate the weight of each trace for the DIY TPN+ (3) or PMDD+PO4 formulas
For the micro-elements you will need to use some maths, but it is exactly the same process you used for KNO3 etc.
This is the working for "sodium molybdate dihydrate" (Na2MoO4·2H2O).
The RMM is 242, you get to 242 by adding together the RAM's of the elements.
Sodium (Na) has a RAM of 23, we need two of these so
Na = 46
Mo = 96
Oxygen has an RAM of 16, we have O4 + O2 so O = (6*16 = 96)
O = 96
Hydrogen has RAM of 1, we have 2*2
H = 4
46 + 96 + 96 + 4 = 242
The percentage of molybdenum (Mo) is 96/242 ~ 40% Mo.
First we need a value to aim for, James says
The TNC Trace, Chempak and CSM+B traces come in powder form and have been made into a solution by adding 3g of trace to 250ml of water....and the content of the TNC trace was "0.002%" Mo.
So we need to do a bit of conversion.
To convert the % nutrient to ppm we need to multiply by 10^4, the reason it is 10^4 is that percentage is "in 100" and 100 is 10^2 . Ppm is "parts per million" and a million is 10^6. 10^6 - 10^2 = 10^4, so we can move the decimal point four places to the right, and the TNC trace contains 20ppm Mo.
I don't know what is the recommended dosing for "TNC trace" is, but if you did? You could use the "12 g in one litre (1000 mL)" to find out how much Mo is in one mL of made up solution.
If I use my "100 litre aquarium" (just makes the maths easier) and aim for 0.02 ppm Mo, I'd need to add 5 mg of Na2MoO4.2H2O as a dry salt. That is going to be fairly difficult, so if I aim to add it as a solution (as part of the all in one).
I could add 1 g of Na2MoO4.2H2O to 1000 mL of water and dose 5mL for the same result.
You would then need to work out all the other elements based on a 5mL dose (of your bespoke all in one solution). That would be part of the reason for making up three separate solutions.
cheers Darrel