@plantnoobdude I turned the fish tank lights back on just to take these pictures for you, you better 'preciate!
Also hello everyone else

I am somewhat back from my month long absence
(not really absent tho I was lurking)
Behold the tank in all its half-maintained glory:

I took one photo where the stems are visible..
..and one photo where the buce are visible
If anyone is wondering what happened to the java ferns.. scissors. Scissors happened to the java ferns.
The problem with java ferns and bolbitis for that matter, is that you cant really tell that its growing.
But one day you realise that the plant group has gotten ginormous, way bigger than it was supposed to, and when did this even happen?
Where did all these bucketfuls of java fern come from anyway?
The trident had gotten massive (again), and this time I took all the leaves off and stripped away some of the rhizomes too for good measure. New rhizomes continually grow over the older ones, and they will kill off the older ones given enough time. Leading to the plant creeping out in base size, slowly but surely until your entire tank is just java fern

The Windelow didnt deserve the scissor treatment, in fact it had only just regrown all its leaves since the last buzz cut it got when I installed the bolbitiseses from Darrel.
But I needed to plant the Bolbitis heteroclita cuspidata below it, and it would have shaded the new baby too much. So off with its head again! It will grow back, im not concerned although I do feel a little bit bad about mistreating it so.
My tank is still getting the same ferts from a month ago, which past-Hufsa helpfully laid out for me
here. How did she know I would forget!?
Except ive only done one water change in a month 🤭
To be honest, tank doesnt seem to care.
The water eventually turned a bit pink on week three of no water changes, but theres not been any algae blooms, plant protests or anything of the sort.
TDS went up a bit but really not that much, I think I saw 160~ TDS the day before the water change (compared to ~130)
So im tempted to just keep it going like this 🤷♀️
Do a water change maybe once every three weeks or monthly.
The plants still dont like that micro mix. So ill be reverting the micro recipe to almost the same as the one before. Im changing the macro a bit too, more K.
Some more plants turned up too, will post pics of them soonventually
Thats all for now 😘