They're here! 😍
My shiny new preciouses are:
Ammannia pedicellata 'Golden'
Ludwigia sp. "Marilia"
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Cuba'
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Pantanal'
Rotala rotundifolia 'Orange Juice'
Rotala rotundifolia 'Pink'
Tonina fluviatilis
Myriophyllum sp. "Guyana"
Hydrocotyle tripartita "Mini"
Cryptocoryne "Purpurea"
Cryptocoryne spiralis 'Red'
Microsorum pteropus 'Petit'
Riccardia sp. "graeffei"
Vesicularia sp. "Mini Christmas Moss"
Plagiomnium cf. affine
Bucephalandra sp. "Brownie Ghost" invitro
Bucephalandra sp. "Lamandau Purple"
Bucephalandra sp. "Deep Purple"
Bucephalandra sp. "Biblis"
Im so excited!
The plants I have from before are:
Bolbitis heudelotii
Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv'
Microsorum pteropus 'Trident'
Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow'
Ammannia crassicaulis
Ludwigia palustris 'Super Red'
Hygrophila polysperma
Limnophila sessiliflora
Anubias Petite
Anubias Pangolino
Schismatoglottis prietoi
Bucephalandra 'Kedagang'
Bucephalandra sp. 'Red'
Bucephalandra 'Black Ventii'
Bucephalandra 'Brownie Blue'
Bucephalandra 'Blue Green'
Bucephalandra -Unknown-
Bucephalandra Pearl Gray
Bucephalandra Dark Achilles
Bucephalandra Silver Grey
Cryptocoryne striolata 'Tiger'
Cryptocoryne striolata 'mini'
Cryptocoryne 'Queen Vandom'
Cryotocoryne regina 'Silver Queen'
Blyxa japonica
Sagittaria subulata
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Pogostemon helferi
Taxiphyllum sp. Peacock Moss
Vesicularia ferriei Weeping Moss
Vesicularia montagnei Christmas Moss
Lomariopsis cf. lineata (Susswassertang)
Hookeriaceae sp. (Hooker Moss / Rare Moss)
Hydropogonella gymnostoma (Queen Moss)
Plagiochilaceae sp. (Cameroon Moss)
Fontinalis sp.
Fissidens fontanus (Phoenix moss)
Fissidens unknown (maybe "Micro Q")
Fissidens unknown
Fissidens unknown
Fissidens unknown
+mystery mosses
61 species, this is a normal amount right? I think I can still fit some more in 🤔
They are acclimating in the kitchen right now, I am so ready.
My tank is a ghost town right now, all ready to be planted up with these babies. Have reduced heavily the amount of bolbitis and java ferns.
Since I killed Rotala rotundifolia and can barely keep Ludwigia Super Red alive, I figured it only made sense to go straight for the poshest plants possible! (perfect term coined by the one and only
@shangman )
This time I have CO2 and can turn my light up a little bit though 😁
Lets dooo this, this is going to be fun!