Today im going to do a normal sunday water change (50%), trying to get back into the regular rythm. Gonna wait until the lights go out so I dont disturb the photoperiod
I also need to whip up another batch of ferts, I can see my dosing containers are running low.
Im not going to make the batch last super long, I can see dosing changes in the horizon for my tank, two months ought to do.
For now I will avoid rocking the boat too much, and go for 2/3 EI and my usual DTPA Fe + APFUK traces.
When the tank is more stable and I have grown out my plants a bit, I want to try gradually replacing some of the KNO3 with Urea, and maybe doing custom traces.
I can tell my tank is still out of balance, the water appears slightly cloudy, it has been like this for a bit. It smells a bit stronger of the tank than it usually does too. There also looks to be a slight biofilm (that is not algae) on the glass, I can see the snails making slight tracks where they have gone. I have not scraped the glass because of this, I think the tank can use all the beneficial archaea/bacteria it has at the moment. The Eheim canister is due for a "clean", but I think I should do it gently. Hopefully as long as I just "keep a steady hand on the steering wheel" and avoid doing all sorts of maneuvers, the tank will find its way to balance again with the help of the plants. The algae appears to have decreased a little bit, maybe? Im not seeing quite as large bands of diatoms on the edges of plant leaves. I have trimmed off a lot of old algae infested growth, but the Buces still have some leaves with BBA, I dont want to remove more of those until the plants get a few new ones to rely on.

The Crypt we assume is Queen Vandom recently put out a new leaf, its much greener than its old ones so the plant looks to be recovering, although slowly. Its probably doing a fair amount of root growth as well.

Assumed Silver Queen has one leaf made in my tank and another on the way, Im hoping to see some better color and a pattern appearing eventually.

The Striolatas got a bit offended with all the disturbance lately, so their latest leaves didnt develop to full size. I see the Mini one has another on the way though.

Myriophyllum Guyana is one I can tell has grown a bit, I wish everything was much faster, I keep checking every 10 minutes but all the plants have still not made it to the surface of the tank

They should hurry up I am very impatient.

My old Ammannia crassicaulis is a bit confused, a few stems look ok, a few have stunted and the one that was the dominant stem is super confused and has curled up all its leaves. Its ok little plant, you will figure it out.

Ludwigia sp. Marilia showing some yellow tones on the new growth. Ill be happy if it will turn yellow for me, we have a lot of narrow leaved yellow plants but not a lot of round yellow so I quite like the look of it.

Pantanal and Cuba looks so different, I dont know why.. Maybe they came from different nurseries?

This shot is always a pain, I have to angle the phone on the glass and it just distorts everything.

I think my Super Red looks a little pale 🤔 Not sure what thats about.
Lastly the plants in the basket are making their way out of the water. I will find a better solution for them once they have some more emersed growth.