Yeah the go-to worked, so there is no reason it shouldnt be safe to go back to that setting.Did this go-to setting work? If it did then I see no reason not to go back to it or something similar.
I put mine in a different location in the tank where it received more light, worked a treat and brought it back from the dead. Sometimes you dont have to increase the overall light level, just the light the individual plant gets.The ludwigia sulked, new growth was small and more green than red. My heart was telling me increase the light but my head said don't
Thanks 😊 I will power throughFairly confident you'll fix these issues, keep the faith 👍
It does appear in tanks with just rocks also, and can grow on glass too if conditions for it are goodDoes BBA appear in tanks that don’t have driftwood?
I do have wood, they would seem to be roots, I think all "spiderwood" / "red moor" wood is root growth. If you have any bark left on the wood, BBA will usually be very thick at those places, same with thin branch pieces, extra thick BBA growth. I think it has to do with those areas breaking down more rapidly than the rest of the wood.Do you have root wood in your tank? Wondering if there’s a correlation.
Its an interesting thing to observe, but I think BBA should not get to rule our life and decide what kind of hardscape we have, or if we have any at all. Its far too easy to get lost in small details. Ive never really had any success trying to deal with algae directly, focusing on the plants and getting it just right for them is the only thing that has worked for me

So if I were to follow my own advice for once, I should make sure my ferts are on point. I have started running the doser for ~10 seconds manually after every water change, im not sure how much that adds, I should make the effort to find out, or just do 20 seconds I suppose 😁
I got the replacement regulator yesterday, it doesnt have a complete solenoid and theres goop on the needle valve, so it looks like the tech team has done something to it. It passed the 1st step of the test as usual, and for the 2nd step, the second stage chamber lost only 2 psi over a 12 hour period, this seems good enough for me. Step 3 involves testing with an open solenoid, so Ive shot off an email to CO2Art again asking for instructions as I assume they have something planned.