Today I got a rude reminder on why I choose the Sera reactor in the first place.
After return from my long trip, I had changed the inline diffuser for a "clean" one about 1 week ago. At first, the bubble were in fine mist but since yesterday, I noticed the bubble were getter bigger. To make things worse, this morning, I noticed the bubble were even bigger. From the spray bar it simply heads straight to the surface.
I'm seeing an increase in BBA in my tank.
I had soaked the inline diffuser in full strength bleach for more than 2 days and then soaked in Prime 50% + water 50% solution for 2 days followed by soaking in plain water for 2 days!
Now I'm desperately looking for a way to repair the broken Co2 nozzle on my Seara 1000 reactor ( which by the way is more brittle than your average butter cookies
In the meantime I came across a thread in this forum:
I going to try out as mentioned below:
It's getting a bit annoying..this Co2 thingy......