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You can easily cut down the 20ppi blue foams to half height by dampenening them (damp not soaked) and then freezing them for a couple of hours. The frozen foam will stand up to some pressure so now you can cut it with a large and sharp unserrated knife such as a Japanese Yanagiba.

I originally thought that a bread knife might be good to cut filter foam as both substances have a similar internal structure. Unfortunately it seemed to catch teeth at every opportunity. Similarly I did not have good results with trying to use hacksaws or other saws.
How did you find that out?! 😆
How did you find that out?! 😆
I honestly can't remember where I heard about it, but I probably saw it on the internet somewhere. I have tested it and it does work on the Oase foams. I cut a blue foam into 3 slices to stop those ball media (Eheim I think?) settling into and blocking all the holes in the Biomaster trays. You have to be careful though, even when frozen, cutting the foam that way is a bit like trying to cut a square loaf of bread when you are down to the last couple of slices!
You have to be careful though, even when frozen, cutting the foam that way is a bit like trying to cut a square loaf of bread when you are down to the last couple of slices!
Ha Ha! We often bake our own bread and I sometimes cut it into even slices on my bandsaw. 😆 Maybe after freezing I could do the same with the foam?

Edit: I’ve actually cut circular foams for my Eheim’s on the bandsaw, but it’s easy with a circle cutting jig.
Ha Ha! We often bake our own bread and I sometimes cut it into even slices on my bandsaw. 😆 Maybe after freezing I could do the same with the foam?
It might be worth a try. It will depend on the teeth geometry I think, and maybe the speed and sharpness too... The only saws I tried were woodworking handsaws and hacksaws and they just snagged the fibres in the foam, it was a total fail even on the frozen foam.
I’ve cut quite a few bits of foam on the bandsaw but not edge on, so to speak. I’m not confident unless I can support the foam on both sides somehow during the cut? I may try knocking up a quick plywood support jig of some sort.
Anyone that uses pot scrubbers, where you buying them from? Most on Amazon have bad reviews.
(Sorry to resurrect this old thread but didn't want to start a new one.)
Anyone that uses pot scrubbers, where you buying them from? Most on Amazon have bad reviews.
(Sorry to resurrect this old thread but didn't want to start a new one.)
It doesn't matter, as long as there is no soap in them you should be fine.
I personally think cubing up the foam is a gimmick.
It must be much harder to clean without adding additional surface area.
Just cut a block of foam to size pop it in and job is done. Proven effectiveness and super easy maintenance 👍
True, but it doesn’t use up all those small bits that normally get thrown away. Hence my comment “cheapest”.
I should add I’ve not done this myself. If someone local wanted any of my offcuts to cube and use themselves they’d be welcome to them though.
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Porous, inert, cheap, allows for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, can also be used to build up a base layer for soil when scaping (allowing for better flow and aeration through the soil). I just like it lol