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Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

Cool little video, expresses the barbs behaviour very nicely.
Tank is looking great too, it’s filled in really well, even growing shrooms in there 😎
Cool little video, expresses the barbs behaviour very nicely.
Tank is looking great too, it’s filled in really well, even growing shrooms in there 😎
Many thanks, mushrooms were a surprise, but they are there one minute and gone the next, have seen now 3-4 different ones although short-lived. Plants finally doing better and stems taking shape, not sure what happened but took me a while to get the CO2 right, was afraid of gassing the fish!

Great looking scape, plants look lush.
Many thanks 🙂
Cool little shroom, I'm loving how to tank is looking, been following it closely since the beginning, very similar set ups.
Not much to report 😉 plants growing well, still messing about with the CO2, don't think its quite right yet! But its working much better now that I put the diffuser just below the filter intake!

Also moved some bits of wood around at the bottom as they are not fixed to anything, in particular the one on the right-hand side.

Some photos taken with the phone today, wide angle shot:

Fullt tank shots:


Thanks for looking 🙂
Not much to report 😉 plants growing well, still messing about with the CO2, don't think its quite right yet! But its working much better now that I put the diffuser just below the filter intake!

Also moved some bits of wood around at the bottom as they are not fixed to anything, in particular the one on the right-hand side.

Some photos taken with the phone today, wide angle shot:
View attachment 153798

Fullt tank shots:
View attachment 153799

View attachment 153800

Thanks for looking 🙂
That is looking really good mate very green and healthy, do you not want to try inline diffuser to see if any better co2 distribution ? You wouldnt think there was any issues looking at that looks stunning.


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That is looking really good mate very green and healthy, do you not want to try inline diffuser to see if any better co2 distribution ? You wouldnt think there was any issues looking at that looks stunning.
Many thanks 🙂 it's getting there.

I do have aquametic 1000 reactor and also inline diffuser also, but I don't like changing too many things when the tank is already up and running as then I will have to start with the CO2 all over again!, I think I just had the CO2 pretty low for a long time as looks like my drop checker is not to be relied on, See how the stems respond in the next couple of weeks.
It's looking good @LondonDragon, nice lush green growth. How soon after planting did you start trimming your stems? And how if you don't mind me asking? Replanting, trimming at base etc?
Still trying to work out my ferts also, did you stay with your original fert recipe?
Apologies for the questions, just don't want to mess it up.
It's looking good @LondonDragon, nice lush green growth
Many thanks 🙂
How soon after planting did you start trimming your stems?
First time at 5 weeks, not every 3-4 weeks.
And how if you don't mind me asking? Replanting, trimming at base etc?
Trimmed it pretty low and just replanted the trimmings in the middle of the exiting stems, making it fuller.
Although stems don't like me, they are OK but not as lush as I would like them, I think there is a lack of flow at the back of the tank, I have tried adjusting the filter flow around the tank, but might need some help at the back getting some flow between the stems. Time will tell.
Still trying to work out my ferts also, did you stay with your original fert recipe?
This is my current formula, I have increased doses from 50ml per day to 60ml, might increase it to 70ml soon as the plant mass grows.

My major issue has been CO2, that as always been an issue for me, I think I am almost there now, been very slowing increasing it every 3-4 days to make sure the fish are OK. It's taking its time but at least I won't gas the fish!

Apologies for the questions, just don't want to mess it up.
Ask as many as you want, that's why I do the journals 🙂 learn and share ups and downs! 😉
Thank you very much for the detailed reply very helpful. Getting co2 on point is the hardest thing to get right, mine is probably too high at the moment so I'll have to knock it back slightly when I add stock.
Thank you very much for the detailed reply very helpful. Getting co2 on point is the hardest thing to get right, mine is probably too high at the moment so I'll have to knock it back slightly when I add stock.
No worries, I thought I was dosing too much CO2 and have now realized I was dosing almost nothing 😳🙄 so I am actually surprised I did not have as many algae issues as I did, the initial every other day water changes really did the trick. I am doing 2 water changes a week at the moment.
My original ph is 7.4 or 7.5 and lights on ph is 6.4 or 6.5 so still a little work to do on it.
I did daily water changes the first week now I'm down to every other day. Takes 25min to drain and refill so no dramas.

Do you dose K2S04 to add the needed potassium without adding the nitrate you would with KN03?
My original ph is 7.4 or 7.5 and lights on ph is 6.4 or 6.5 so still a little work to do on it.
I did daily water changes the first week now I'm down to every other day. Takes 25min to drain and refill so no dramas.
I would not worry about PH, I have never measured it on any of my tanks. My water change timing is about the same.
Do you dose K2S04 to add the needed potassium without adding the nitrate you would with KN03?
That is correct 🙂
Nice tank mate!
Many thanks 🙂
Tank is looking lovely! Does the Eleocharis carpet require much maintenance/trimming?
Many thanks, at the moment I only gave it a trim here and there nothing major yet, due to the CO2 issues I had it did start getting some algae but that is now almost gone, I am considering cutting it at soil level sometime and let it grow back again nice and clean. But it has been 3 months with very little trouble, and has filled in nicely. I have tried various other carpeting plants and was initially only going to plant Lilaeopsis, but @Stu Worrall said it would look better if I mixed it with Eleocharis and I am glad I went with his advice 🙂
Just managed to read this and watch the videos, absolutely stunning, could just sit and watch this on repeat, Thanks for shearing
Many thanks, comments appreciated 🙂
Tank is looking lush mate great work so clean too
Many thanks 🙂 there is still a bit of algae here and there, specially some green filament on the mosses and the grass! Not sure how I am going to shake that off! Might be too long of a photo period, I increased it recently by an hour and that might be the issue, need to make some adjustments to that and see!!
Also working on my next move in terms of fertilizer! Thinking of going leaner and also not dose every day, but instead dose every other day as per Filipe's recommendation on my FB post and see how it goes 😉