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Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

That is so relaxing to watch... could get totally lost in front of that tank 🙂 Great job! Love those barbs too, might just end up getting those as my main fish for my next tank.
Many thanks, I do find myself in front of the tank quite often just watching the behaviour of the barbs, chasing each other between the plants and hardscape, they are great fish and blend in pretty well with the plants.

They're obviously loving it in there, and why wouldn't they. It's looking great 👍
Many thanks Tim 🙂 so far so good, some issues here and there but nothing major 🙂

Looks great and tank has coloured up nicely regarding the hair grass i would trim close to gravel and rub hand over it to get detritus up when doing water change as mine was lovely colour then started yellowing and loosing colour as suspected build up of organics etc so try keep on top of it mate.
Looking really good though
Thanks for the tip, it was yellowing a couple of weeks back but looks like the change of the ferts has helped, need to consider when to trim it maybe sooner rather than later 😉 There is quite a lot of flow going into the right side of the grass which keeps it cleaner but it grows slower in that area, could be the flow taking away the nutrients and CO2 maybe, finding the balance is always the tricky bit.
Let's see how it goes before I get the mower out 🙂
Feeding the little ones, so far so good, stems struggling a little, arranged the flow a little better and pushed the light unit a little further back also:

Thanks for looking 🙂
I have just watched it 🙂
Many thanks, hope you liked it 🙂
Nice video! I like the barbs too.
Many thanks, love their behaviour, not the most logic aquascape fish selection but I wanted to keep these fish, and they are already breeding in the tank! I did add 3 pair of Cherry Barbs recently too! and now that is the full quota for this tank!
Looking great 👍
Many thanks Tim 🙂
Looks amazing, and thr barbs look great.
Many thanks Gill
Lovely, looking great, how you create the ripping effect on water surface at the beginning of the video?
Many thanks, the rippling effect was just the filter jet pipe, I asked Alexa to turn off the filter before feeding the fish haha
Stahp! You're demolishing my efforts to NOT buy a 900.
You know you wanna! 😉
You know you wanna! 😉

It is not because I don't wanna, but had a brief look at the weight. Also need a bit of free wall somewhere. Still thinking it can be done...
I'd of course I'd also need the OK from the patient Mrs Fiske. Now, do I ask before or after I ask to put 150l tanganyika tank in the bathroom and a stack of smaller gourami tanks wherever.

Maybe I should just pack my stuff LOL😳
I did 🙂
You have a comment from a young lady with her boobs out, I think she liked it as well, either that or she want you to look at her channel
She is just fishing for worms!!
Maybe I should just pack my stuff LOL
If you move her stuff out then you have more space!! 🙄🙄:cigar:
Looking good paulo cant wait to get mine set up, need to start working out my plants list this next week as off mid September i was actually going to ask you how this one was doing but looking great.

Think i am going to stick with recomended EI micro one day macro the next.

What bps to you start with as starting to plan now.

Thanks mate

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Looking good paulo cant wait to get mine set up, need to start working out my plants list this next week as off mid September //emoji.tapatalk-cdn.com/emoji16.png i was actually going to ask you how this one was doing but looking great.
Many thanks, now is just plants waiting to grow in, crypts are taking forever, and might replace the juncus with something else or add something else to the middle of it!!
Think i am going to stick with recomended EI micro one day macro the next.
Either method works, so do what is best for you, also means you can tweak each dosing amount individually, add more of one without increasing the other!
What bps to you start with as starting to plan now.
Started with 1.5bbps I am not at around 2bps, but might need to increase a little, I don't want to stress the fish too much, rather deal with some algae and slower plant growth than gas my fish! 😉
If you move her stuff out then you have more space!! 🙄🙄:cigar:

That's true. Why did I never think of that? :dummy:
To be fair, with 4 (5) existing tanks + paraphernalia, a large record collection and stereo, 3+ meters of comics, a wall full of blurays, and a newly bought telescope; I think I'm winning the "lets-fill-the-place-with-stuff" competition. A bit of hoola hoops, yoga mats and crocheting-stuff is peanuts compared.
I'm actually just happy I can have real loudspeakers and fishtanks without any complaining, bless her soul. 😎
I'm actually just happy I can have real loudspeakers and fishtanks without any complaining, bless her soul.
Sounds like you got a keeper! Maybe consider getting rid of the Bluray and go digital, I have been fully digital since 2004 have not brought any physical media since then!!! lol Comics can go digital too 😛
Sounds like you got a keeper! Maybe consider getting rid of the Bluray and go digital, I have been fully digital since 2004 have not brought any physical media since then!!! lol Comics can go digital too 😛
She is.

They'll pry my physical media from my cold dead hands.

My tastes can be somewhat eclectic, having to wait for the off chance that some weird japanese movie becomes available for streaming can be long indeed. It's a matter of availability mainly. It may be a danish thing, in relation to what is available to stream, but it is really meagre, and hella expensive too. Say I wanted to stream CROCODILE DUNDEE (I wouldn't), that would be 5-6 quid. For a film from 1986. It would cost me the same btw to stream relatively new vietnamese beat-'em up FURIE (I would) if it was even available (it isn't).
I can see digital working, sort of, if you just need the newest Hollywood blockbusters; but for older almost-classics, genre movies, world cinema, czech new wave. obscure georgian art movies, latinamerican magic realism etc. you're outta luck.

And I have never aligned myself with digital comics, or e-books for that matter. Gimme print on paper.
I've found digital streaming working for music, mostly, so there's that. Hasn't stopped me buying though :joyful:
Horses for courses and all that.
I'll refrain from further OT'ing your lovely thread 😀
It would cost me the same btw to stream relatively new vietnamese beat-'em up FURIE (I would) if it was even available (it isn't).
I can see digital working, sort of, if you just need the newest Hollywood blockbusters; but for older almost-classics, genre movies, world cinema, czech new wave. obscure georgian art movies, latinamerican magic realism etc. you're outta luck.
There are other ways 🙄🙄 I won't go into those here 😱
No worries on the off topic, I kinda of motivated it in some ways 😉
Also physical media retains a lot of its value when digital media means you pretty much threw your money away!

Lovely scape and great fish choices 👍🏻👍🏻
Many thanks 🙂
Was doing a water change on Friday morning when I noticed this growing on the wood 😳😳



Never seen this before!! Did not last long, was gone that same afternoon.

Quick video that I made from an area of the tank, the fish have coloured up pretty well 🙂

Thanks for looking 🙂