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Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

Looking good Paulo.

@sammy71 I'm selling a 900S at the moment I've had adapted, so I can have either the original metal legs on or use it in an adjustable form, so it could be hung from the ceiling or similar. In my opinion the suspended version of the Twinstar lights are not great as with only on wire on the light it is very unstable and a job to get it sitting pointing exactly downwards, I recall visiting a well known Aquascaping shop who had them with a pen lid balancing one light!

The advantage of being able to adjust the height I think is great and also saves having something else on the rim of the aquarium.
I've been following this post for a while now in which its stunning! and am now setting up my own900 aquascaper tank in which I've been preparing for for many months. Just a quickie on your stocking. How are you finding the amount of livestock you have for this tank? Do you have any so called clean up crew other than the SAE and how has the SAE done in this tank on its own?.

Looking to stock around 12 Harlequins, similar number of Black neon Tetra's or cardinals and then move over more 6 corys and female betta from an existing tank and looking for some sort of clean up whether that be otto's or a bristlenose or SAE.
Thanks for any advise!
Many thanks Jax, apologies for the delay, read it on the phone then forgot to come back to reply!

How are you finding the amount of livestock you have for this tank?
I have 21 barbs, mixture of Checkered, Odessa and Cherry. Think there is room for more but i am leaving it as is for now and see how big they get in the next 6 months before looking at stocking again.
Do you have any so called clean up crew other than the SAE and how has the SAE done in this tank on its own?.
I have 1 SAE, it is very active on plant leaves, not actually sure how effective it is, they tend to get big, and I am glad I only brought one! I also added 4 Ottos, unfortunately one died (only death so far, apart from the couple of jumpers) in the first few days but the other 3 have been fine and also very active. I also have some Amano shrimp, from reading around the forum I think I might have added them too early as I had some jumpers too, some say best to add them once the tank is mature, I am down to about 6-7 from the original 15, so one to remember next time, haven't had any jumpers shrimp/fish in a long time.
Looking to stock around 12 Harlequins, similar number of Black neon Tetra's or cardinals and then move over more 6 corys and female betta from an existing tank and looking for some sort of clean up whether that be otto's or a bristlenose or SAE.
Stocking levels seems sensible do not see any issues with that. Heavy planted tanks the bristlenose might uproot stuff, but depends on what you intend to keep 😉 good luck and look forward to that journal.
This is a really nice looking tank. I've just ordered my 900mm and nice to see what can be done.
Many thanks and good luck 🙂 don't forget that journal 🙂
We didn't see your tank for a while, u could throw in some pics to enjoy more in this journal

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We didn't see your tank for a while, u could throw in some pics to enjoy more in this journal

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I will post an update soon, I have posted some snaps in my Instagram account but not much here.
I have been very lazy with the tank and spending too many evenings with the Forum rather than the tanks! I have been making quite a few changes to the forum in terms of features and upgrades to the backend, also did spend most evenings during last week looking into SEO! Now that was an eye-opener!
Most of my stems are now gone, I did not realize my ferts had run out for over a week 🙁 so that was the first mistake! water changes every couple of weeks did not help, and my CO2 diffuser had clogged by about 50%, the barbs like to play in the middle of the stems and keep ripping them up! so I will have to look at some alternatives 😉
Totally understand you, I'm backend programmer too. And when I'm up to some project I forget about everything else. Lol.
Well too bad for the tank but I'm sure you can restore it easily after u finish up things on forum. Good luck with SEO, was styding it for one year, interesting subject very, important for every website.

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How many lph is that wave maker? Lower power which I found is 2000lph which is too much for me.
How many lph is that wave maker? Lower power which I found is 2000lph which is too much for me.
It's a Koralia Nano pump, it's rated at 900lph, had it in the cupboard and decided to add it to create flow at the back of the tank rather than adding another filter, seems to work ok.

Although I have neglected this tank a little, and due to a back injury recently I have not done any water changes since Xmas Eve! Hoping I can manage one tomorrow!

What happened to the grass in the front
I gave it a heavy trim, and it didn't like it, it's recovering but very slowly, also the barbs dig up a lot of it looking for food that drops to the bottom, those barbs are a nightmare on the short grass! Shouldn't have cut it so low! you live and learn!
Also have removed the original stems, and trying some Limnophila hippuridoides that I got off UKAPS member @Deano3 , that is starting to take off now, so will trim and replant that at the back!
The dwarf bolbitis was getting too big on the right-hand side so moved to the bottom left below the standard bolbitis which fills in nicely the space, moved some crypts around so they get some more light as they were dying off. The buces are doing great!
Quick update via Insta 😉

Looking amazing , i added a eheim skim for a little extra flow as one oase 600 filter just didn't seem enough for this tank. Looks great and must be a very well established tank as no water changes since xmas eve thats very impressive.

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Looking amazing , i added a eheim skim for a little extra flow as one oase 600 filter just didn't seem enough for this tank. Looks great and must be a very well established tank as no water changes since xmas eve thats very impressive.

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Many thanks, I also have an Eheim skimmer at the back left, and added a Koralia to the right-hand side for extra flow, but did not save the stems, I have a lot of issues with CO2 distribution, as always been an issue for me, I have tried the ADA glass diffuser, I have tried the Twinstar and also a CO2 Art one, I am now using an inline diffuser! As the plant mass grew the CO2 distribution just wasn't enough and was never able to get high enough to support the plant mass! I have been getting it back on track now with more regular water changes and the algae is slowly going away! let's see 😉