Many thanks 🙂 read mix messages in regards to temp and most say that lower than 25C will be fine!
Yeh but my tank runs at 28.5c without a heater, so they will have to stay on my wish list a while longer.
Many thanks 🙂 read mix messages in regards to temp and most say that lower than 25C will be fine!
Great job sure will recover well i may do same thing, have you kept same plants together in same area and not mixed them ?So decided to trim the stems this afternoon, I have never grown stems in this scale so this is new to me, seeing some videos, some threads with advice, some comments people made, I went for it and let's see how it goes 🙂
So there was a lot more in there that it looked! 😳😳
View attachment 151922
How it looked after trimming from the side:
View attachment 151923
From the top:
View attachment 151924
Funny enough the area on the right gets more flow and yet has the yellowest leaves of the lot, also this area tends to grow slower than the rest, is the heavy flow actually taking nutrients away and the plants cannot consume them fast enough?
I did manage to replant most of the trimmings and after it looked like this from the side:
View attachment 151926
and from the top:
View attachment 151927
So let's see how long it takes to recover and if it does indeed recover well.
Full tank shot after a water change and also added Taiwan moss to some of the wood, had this invitro cup for a while, lets see if it survives and recovers, on the right hand coner have some mini Xmas moss from @Kalum so if the Taiwan fails I will replace it with that!
View attachment 151928
Looks a little bare again! I wanted the first trim to be really low to thicken up! fingers crossed 🙂
Ignore the red head on the skimmer, that is a 3D printed version I made with a mesh builtin so it doesnt suck in the shrimp!
Thanks for looking 🙂
Yes as I was cutting I was putting them in the tray in order and then planted them back in the same order (I hope) 🙂have you kept same plants together in same area and not mixed them
I am working on a new model at the moment and I have black filament also 😉Also i noticed the skimmer and was going to ask // as long as does the job.
I am going to mix a new batch tomorrow, most likely going to keep the same recipe as week 2 with no nitrates (refer to page 2). In the end I did mix some of the week 1 with week 2 rather than chucking them away and just concentrate on growing the stems rather than worry about colour for now, so hopefully the colour will be redder in the next few weeks.Yoi still adding recomened amount of ferts and whats your current BPS of co2 and how often doing water change of dont mind me asking.
Looks good!Ignore the red head on the skimmer, that is a 3D printed version I made with a mesh builtin so it doesnt suck in the shrimp!
Thanks for that mate after house decorated i can start working on mine, lookomg great by the way and love yhe organised plants thats what i will do to start, wonder if worth soaking my mazi wood for now so doesnt float, will it be ok in garden with open-top comtainer you think ?Yes as I was cutting I was putting them in the tray in order and then planted them back in the same order (I hope) 🙂
I am working on a new model at the moment and I have black filament also 😉
I am going to mix a new batch tomorrow, most likely going to keep the same recipe as week 2 with no nitrates (refer to page 2). In the end I did mix some of the week 1 with week 2 rather than chucking them away and just concentrate on growing the stems rather than worry about colour for now, so hopefully the colour will be redder in the next few weeks.
I find BPS irrelevant as all bubble counters are different, I am just going with the drop checker and aiming for a lime green, but with the Twinstar diffuser built in bubble counter I can work it out at just under 2 BPS.
Due to the recent noticeable algae I have been doing 3 water changes per week.
I did not want to risk and soaked it for 2 weeks before planting! I just used the tank and was a good way to test the filter, adjust the CO2 ready for the start (so you don't have to mess about it the days after planting, right level of CO2 from day 1) and make sure it all worked beforehand.wonder if worth soaking my mazi wood for now so doesnt float, will it be ok in garden with open-top comtainer you think ?
Many thanks Ady, yeah was quite pleased with the stems and had a lot more in there than I thought! See how long it takes for them to recover now, I would say a couple of weeks before noticeable growth.Looking epic Paulo. Love how dense the stems are and really lush growth all down the stem to the substrate. I’m sure they will recover well.
That one was a gift from the plant seller which was quite a nice bonus, he gets first dibs when it gets too big and needs a trim, you can get seconds 😉I particularly like that mini bolbitis you have, that seems like a nice option to add the look of bolbitis without the size which can overtake a scape easily if left to its own devices.
Thanks for the recommendation, I might come home empty-handed with this lockdown and stocks and crazy prices! Let's see how it goes, otherwise I will just get a shoal of Mountain Minnows 🙄😉Odessa barbs are beautiful, checker barbs are also lovely and smaller if you want less chance of shrimp snackers 😛 Anyway, enjoy the visit to your local fish store, maybe you will return with something surprising.
Sorry if this is a daft question ,Can i ask, i thought the more plant mass you have the more co2 and ferts required as the plants using them up from the water column.I did not want to risk and soaked it for 2 weeks before planting! I just used the tank and was a good way to test the filter, adjust the CO2 ready for the start (so you dont have to mess about it the days after planting, right level of CO2 from day 1) and make sure it all worked before hand.
Many thanks Ady, yeah was quite pleased with the stems and had a lot more in there than I thought! See how long it takes for them to recover now, I would say a couple of weeks before noticable growth.
That one was a gift from the plant seller which was quite a nice bonus, he gets first dibs when it gets too big and needs a trim, you can get seconds 😉
Thanks for the recommendation, I might come home empty handed with this lockdown and stocks and crazy prices! Let's see how it goes, otherwise I will just get a shoal of Mountain Minnows 🙄😉
Was just to ensure all the kit worked, as nothing uses the CO2 it will just build up in there and you are right not an accurate indication of what is actually needed, but I could at least test the drop checkers, had to redo them twice for some reason the solution I was using was pants and had to buy new bromo (see worth the test already), and then was just setting up the timers, testing the dosing pump, calibrating it, etc... to ensure when I planted all I need to do was turn light schedule on and dosing schedule, then add more CO2 if needed. Again you don't have to do any of this!!Sorry if this is a daft question ,Can i ask, i thought the more plant mass you have the more co2 and ferts required as the plants using them up from the water column.
So how does it work setting them up before planted and lights on as thought more light equals more co2 required or am i totally wrong // sorry if i am asking stupid question just sounds a good way to soak wood and fine tune if this works also get filter working.
Funny enough these were on the tank next to the Odessa barbs and I prefer the look of them so I purchased these instead (17 of them) 🙂checker barbs are also lovely and smaller if you want less chance of shrimp snackers
Thanks for that mate i am with you, i may do this even to soak the wood etc so doesnt float and make sure no leaks etc and everything works.Was just to ensure all the kit worked, as nothing uses the CO2 it will just build up in there and you are right not an acturate indication of what is actually needed, but I could at least test the drop checkers, had to redo them twice for some reason the solution I was using was pants and had to buy new bromo (see worth the test already), and then was just setting up the timers, testing the dosing pump, calibrating it, etc... to ensure when I planted all I need to do was turn light schedule on and dosing schedule, then add more CO2 if needed. Again you dont have to do any of this!!
Awesome, in numbers like this they should feel comfortable and begin to show their real beauty. The males stay smaller but their colours become really distinguished. Can’t wait to see them actually as it’s been a long time since I kept them. They will reward you with great little spars and shouldnt be too shy in these numbers. I think these and cherry barbs will work really well together and both like it cooler so you may not even need a heater, win win.Funny enough these were on the tank next to the Odessa barbs and I prefer the look of them so I purchased these instead (17 of them) 🙂
Quick question in future can I mix these with some Cherry Barbs?
Good choice! The cherry barbs will make perfect tank mates. The males are great to add a splash of colour to a tank.Funny enough these were on the tank next to the Odessa barbs and I prefer the look of them so I purchased these instead (17 of them) 🙂
Quick question in future can I mix these with some Cherry Barbs?
I am now aclimitizing the fish slowly, also purchased an SAE and 4 Ottos!
To be honest there was not much choice at the moment in more than 5-6 of each!
Thanks for the recommendation Ady, really enjoying these little fish, they were a little shy at first and grouped together at the back, by the end of the evening they were nicely coloured and shoaling around the tank and not even afraid of me any more, also feed them a little 3 times during the afternoon and evenning, and they are all eating well already, the SAE has also found some new friends and shoals with the barbs lol Even the Ottos play tricks on them and three of them shoal together and the barbs follow them! You can tell it's the first time having fish in almost a decade! hahaAwesome, in numbers like this they should feel comfortable and begin to show their real beauty. The males stay smaller but their colours become really distinguished. Can’t wait to see them actually as it’s been a long time since I kept them. They will reward you with great little spars and shouldnt be too shy in these numbers. I think these and cherry barbs will work really well together and both like it cooler so you may not even need a heater, win win.
Many thanks Conor 🙂Good choice! The cherry barbs will make perfect tank mates. The males are great to add a splash of colour to a tank.
Thanks Chris, so far so good, think I have the CO2 back on track also and just happy the fish are settling in well, I can already see the stems perking up again after a couple of days so all seems good so far 🙂Wow looks superb. The density of stems is amazing and all over plant health looks really good, plus your hardscape looks spotless!
The Juncus is finally starting to take shape, how do you trim this plant and propagate??