Quick update, two weeks since planted, things still growing in well but stems are still very green, might be because the light is not that strong so time will tell, have been doing frequent water changes which might be keeping nitrates high.
Added a second drop checker but looks like added too much bromo as its very dark, need to re-do it again, also CO2 diffuser is due a clean!
Also trimmed all the leaves of the trident ferns since they were emerged growth to encourages not leaves to grow and avoid the old leaves just decaying and become algae collectors, also did that to most of the bolbitis leaves too.
Hairgrass growing well but the Lilaeopsis seems to be taking its time.
Also got hold on of a Twinstar to see if that does help against algae
😉 so far the plants are very clean, but its only week two!
Also was having a major issue as I would like the lights on when I am in the living room in the evening, but the LED's are so powerful that I needed sunglasses while I was in the sofa which is right in front of the tank.
Got a 1mm sheet of aluminium and tried to create a shade, not to easy to bend and would benefit from a press, or maybe a 0.5mm sheet instead, but didn't come out too bad in the end and reasonable for now.
At least now I can seat in the sofa and enjoy the tank and watch TV without any issues.
Some plant shots, love the Buce's might get some more this week!
Thanks for looking