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Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

Had an issue with the Amanos I purchased which I thought might have been CO2 related but CO2 was very low for 4-5 days and shrimp still had some issues, ones remaining seem to be OK now so let's see how it goes. Low CO2 for a few days brought some signs of algae so now upped again and hopefully a quick recovery.

Before a water change last night and a glass clean!


Filter and pipes will be cleaned at the weekend!
Stems have pretty much reached the surface in some areas, specially the green, I am not sure about the Ludwigia ovalis so that might go to keep the leaves more uniform. I do like the Ludwigia brevipes 🙂


Some plant shots!

The dwarf bolbitis:


And the full size version with stems at the back!


You can just about see the crypts coming through! Lots of leaves on them now and lovely colours! They just grow very slow, I did chop off all the leaves when I planted them, those 2cm leaf stalks that I left have now completely melted.

Need to consider pruning the stems, any advice on that?

Hiya, just want say your scape is looking lovely, such amazing growth is such a short time. Despite the recent very minor set back, which I'm sure you'll going to get on top off.

I have quietly been following your journal with interest, as I have recently set up a similar sort of (lockdown) scape after a year or 2 away from the hobby. I would be a very happy if I manage achieved something even half as lovely as yours.

Great photos, and very insightful journal, thanks for sharing. 🙂
Many thanks Steveo, has been an interesting journey so far, I have decided to concentrate on growing the plants for now and not worry too much on colour, give it a couple of trims and then see how it goes.

Next thing is start thinking about fish, maybe in a couple of weeks time it will be ready for that, any suggestions' anyone?
Many thanks Steveo, has been an interesting journey so far, I have decided to concentrate on growing the plants for now and not worry too much on colour, give it a couple of trims and then see how it goes.

Next thing is start thinking about fish, maybe in a couple of weeks time it will be ready for that, any suggestions' anyone?
Danio tinwini.

About half the size of a zebra danio with a lovely spotted golden pattern. Nothing too flash and they don’t distract from an aquascape at all. Plus they’re good shoalers and follow each other around most of the time. Also very hardy as you’d expect from a danio.


Quick comparrison of the progress:


This weekend cleaned the pipes again and also cleaned the filter for the first time, other than the filter pads the media was pretty clean, only had 2 of the 4 trays with media, this week filled in the other 2 trays! I am only using Alfagrog media in the trays and the fine and coarse pads!

Moved the CO2 diffuser to the right-hand side (thanks to a comment by @Ryan Thang To ) which is a lot more effective and have moved the Twinstar to the back (not on photo at the moment, had removed it to clean glass).

Week 4 full tank shot (should have waited a little later still a few reflections from the sunlight):


Next weekend will trim the stems for sure 🙂

Ferns recovering well from my 100% trim of all leaves! This is couple weeks growth:


Juncus and crypts finally starting to show some growth:


Grass filling in nicely, Lilaeopsis is so slow that the grass if dwarfing it, haven't seen much growth of it.

Buces doing great and shooting a lot of flowers at the moment:


Haven't had a need to clean the hardscape yet, still algae free! thanks for looking 🙂
I like this tank, stems are coming along fast. Interested to see if you decide to try and bring out the reds in them.
Looking good and like the foreground 🙂
Many thanks 🙂

Wow that looks impressive already
So far happy with it, lets see if it remains on track!
Looking really good.
Many thanks 🙂

I like this tank, stems are coming along fast. Interested to see if you decide to try and bring out the reds in them.
Many thanks, I was trying to do that too early maybe, so now I am going to concentrate on growing the stems, trim and replant them a couple of times to make them fuller, then go for the reds 😉
Although they're already showing signs of getting a little reddish! My light might not be enough for that!

Danio tinwini.

About half the size of a zebra danio with a lovely spotted golden pattern. Nothing too flash and they don’t distract from an aquascape at all. Plus they’re good shoalers and follow each other around most of the time. Also very hardy as you’d expect from a danio.
Many thanks, after watching some videos I do like them! Maybe one to consider mixing with something else! 😉
Good to see you back to the hobby Paulo,
Tank is looking really nice.
Congrats 😉
Obrigado Nuno, I know it's not the best hardscape to even compete with you guys 😛 but its a start back into the hobby, if I get a decent NA style tanks which is always my fav type I will be happy 🙂

Danio tinwini are lovely little fish, but I'm pretty sure I've read that they like jump, so may not be suitable for open top tanks.
Thanks for the heads up, guess I will have to pass on that one 😉
I am now thinking Glowlight tetras and not sure what else to mix with!!
Just a quick update, so I moved a mesh of fissidens to the tank couple weeks back from my shrimp low tech which was suffering a little, good news is the fissidens is doing great, bad news is that it introduced a lot of snails to the tank 🙁 my bad!!! Now have to get on top of that, I like snails but not too many!
The lowering of the CO2 because of the shrimp has shown some signs of algae specially some black stringy stuff, I have slowly increased the CO2 over the past week and hopefully that will soon start to clear up. Couple of set backs here but things growing in nicely still.

Quick angle shot:

As I have next week off work I am planning on Monday/Tuesday to visit my local store (ADC) and get some fish, clean up crew at least (couple of SAE, 3-4 Ottos, maybe couple of Nerite snails, I already have 15 Amano Shrimp in there), then will see what fish they have in stock that I might fancy as the main shoal. Been thinking Glowlight Tetras or Odessa Barbs (the later might be jumpers anyone kept them before?).

So that I am not disturbing the fish right after adding them I will be trimming the stems this weekend very low and replanting what I can squeeze in the middle to make the stems thicker. That should then take another 3-4 weeks before needing another trim!

Looking forward to some fish movement in the tank, it's not that exciting watching stems grow! lol

Thanks for looking 🙂
Odessa Barbs (the later might be jumpers anyone kept them before?).

@Geoffrey Rea has some in his main tank. He hasn't mentioned any jumping tendencies, but maybe you could ask him

They’re fine as long as there’s no sudden on/off lighting taking place. We have a lamp on a timer in the evenings near the tanks as the light fixtures above both main tanks are on/off with no ramp down. Softens the blow. With the Twinstar unit and it’s ramp up/down you should be alright.
Hi Paulo
Good progress there!:thumbup:
Odessa barbs are one of my favourite little fish, the males are lovely... I won't be surprised if you end up with little tiddlers.
Remember to have a good gas exchange in your tank before you add fish from the LFS.
Superb growth. I started my new tank just about the time you did and my plant gowth is no way near as lush as yours. I am in awe.
Your tank is looking great Paulo!
I really like Odessa Barbs, I've not kept them because my tank runs too hot for them, but they're on my wish list.
Many thanks 🙂 read mix messages in regard to temp and most say that lower than 25C will be fine!

They’re fine as long as there’s no sudden on/off lighting taking place. We have a lamp on a timer in the evenings near the tanks as the light fixtures above both main tanks are on/off with no ramp down. Softens the blow. With the Twinstar unit and it’s ramp up/down you should be alright.
Many thanks, I have installed the light controller last week, so now I have a proper sun rise/set effect on the tank, which works great, as my Amanos jumped out a couple of times with the light coming on 🙁 I want to see the fish live in the store also, so will have to wait and see what they have in stock.

Good progress there!:thumbup:
Odessa barbs are one of my favourite little fish, the males are lovely... I won't be surprised if you end up with little tiddlers.
Remember to have a good gas exchange in your tank before you add fish from the LFS.
Many thanks, I like barbs due to the larger more defined scales, but most of them grow too big.
I am taking my time with the fish as I want to get things right for them and get the CO2 right also, I did get a Eheim skimmer that you can lift higher to create a nice flow of oxygen bubbles into the water or lift the return pipe to create some agitation after lights out. Just the skimmer I can place on a timer and run it overnight and the pipe I might forget 😉

Superb growth. I started my new tank just about the time you did and my plant gowth is no way near as lush as yours. I am in awe.
Many thanks, looks like I can still grow plants, CO2 has always been an issue to get right balance and seem to have some issues with it this time round also, lets see if I got it balanced now. In terms of fast growth my light is not even that powerful (only 55w) all you need is good flow to distribute the CO2 and ferts around the tank!