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Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

Just had a look at week 1 and now! crazy how plants just overtake the scape!

Did loose the stems! the casualty of this scape!

How some of the plants were moved from one position to the other:

Thanks for looking!
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Looks amazing. Would you say that is 1 years growth for the bolbitis heudelotii and microsorum narrow? Or would it be much bigger if not for trimmings? I ask since I just planted these two species but have no idea how long I will need to wait for them to start to get massive.
Looks amazing. Would you say that is 1 years growth for the bolbitis heudelotii and microsorum narrow? Or would it be much bigger if not for trimmings? I ask since I just planted these two species but have no idea how long I will need to wait for them to start to get massive.
Many thanks 🙂 I have taken some cuttings for my low tech tank but very little, I do trim off leaves once a month, older leaves that develop algae, I would say about 10-20 at a time from both the bolbitis and fern. I am very lazy when it comes to trimming and let things get possibly too big! Let's see how long I keep this going, but tank is long term, no plans on rescaping anytime soon!

Top view of the bolbitis and ferns:

Beautiful top down view Paulo
Growth has hidden the hardscape, it’s amazing how the stones are completely covering the rocks now.
Beautiful top down view Paulo
Growth has hidden the hardscape, it’s amazing how the stones are completely covering the rocks now.
Many thanks, yeah the Buces taking over, they need a good trim, I have trimmed one section to see how it recovers since I have not trimmed Buces before. Then I will take the scissors to the rest soon 😉

Also with my new CO2 reactor things are pearling like crazy now by the end of the photo period 🙂


No more cleaning and blocked diffusors 🙂 happy days
Good morning Paulo,
Would it be possible for you to let me know where you bought your reactor from and its approximate dimensions please?
I started off using the AM 1000 first with the supplied bio balls, then empty and finally with Siporax, on a separate loop using a Eheim Compact 2000 running at 1000 l/hour and couldn't get the drop checker yellow despite running at an unacceptable bubble rate and spitting out lots of CO2.
I then ended up having to run a CO2 Art Inline Diffuser in tandem on the filter return just to get acceptable CO2 levels.
I have now swapped both of these out for a Sera Flore 1000 of which I am getting superb dissolution at a countable bubble rate, but do you know what, I just don't trust it. It's a shame no one manufactures a more robust take on this model because the design and functionality is top notch.
Many thanks,
Would it be possible for you to let me know where you bought your reactor from and its approximate dimensions please?
Have a look at this post:

It is quite large, 37.5cm high and 12cm diameter! Hold's 2.5 liters. But in my experience for a reactor to work properly it needs to be large anyway, I have an AM1000 also and its pants!
Many thanks 🙂

First time at 5 weeks, not every 3-4 weeks.

Trimmed it pretty low and just replanted the trimmings in the middle of the exiting stems, making it fuller.
Although stems don't like me, they are OK but not as lush as I would like them, I think there is a lack of flow at the back of the tank, I have tried adjusting the filter flow around the tank, but might need some help at the back getting some flow between the stems. Time will tell.

This is my current formula, I have increased doses from 50ml per day to 60ml, might increase it to 70ml soon as the plant mass grows.
View attachment 153856

My major issue has been CO2, that as always been an issue for me, I think I am almost there now, been very slowing increasing it every 3-4 days to make sure the fish are OK. It's taking its time but at least I won't gas the fish!

Ask as many as you want, that's why I do the journals 🙂 learn and share ups and downs! 😉
Just wondering if you're still using this ei ratio and having success with it?
It looks to be working great, I've copied your EI mix and I'm definitely getting less Green spot with good growth, hence me wondering if you've tweaked any further.

I'd love some upto date shots!
Amazing!! 😘
It looks incredibly stunning! 😍 I love a nice aroid flower. What is that cute lil baby on there?
It looks incredibly stunning! 😍 I love a nice aroid flower. What is that cute lil baby on there?
Many thanks 🙂 looks great just never seen one before 🙂
The fish is a panda loach, got a trio recently, wish I had got another trio! they are great to watch.