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Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

Lovely scape, really enjoyed reading through your journal!

Can I ask what the stem plant is in the bottom left hand corner? Don't recognise it, and couldn't seem to find it in the text.

Thanks 🙂
Lovely scape, really enjoyed reading through your journal!

Can I ask what the stem plant is in the bottom left hand corner? Don't recognise it, and couldn't seem to find it in the text.
Many thanks 🙂

The stem is one of my fav plants of all time Potamogeton gayi, someone on UKAPS was selling it and I just couldn't resist to add a little to the tank. At the bottom of that there is a bit of Blyxa also!
Posted this video on Insta yesterday also, shrimp is on the Potamogeton gayi which has some stringy moss mixed with it!

These shrimp I got from the Shrimp King himself at Vivarium 2011, before I added the fish to the tank I got a net into the nano and grabbed around 50 shrimp and put them in the tank, I was expecting the fish to snap them all up but a few have made it to a decent size and they are looking pretty good.

Chris seems to think they are C.holthuisi but to be honest I don't remember what he said they were at the time! I have a colony of 200+ on my low tech 60l that has been running since 2010!
Chris seems to think they are C.holthuisi but to be honest I don't remember what he said they were at the time!

Google seems to suggest that Cherax holthuisi is a large orange crayfish growing to 9cm, so I'm not sure that's the right ID. Do you have a clearer picture of them?
Many thanks guys 🙂
As posted elsewhere, for my dosing pipes, I designed this using SketchUp:


This is my second version, which keeps the holes above the glass line, and added a little 2mm pin in the middle so that it doesn't seat flat on the edge of the glass which created a syphon and extracted water from the tank down the edge of the glass.

This is how it looks on the tank, 10mm glass (can print to any thickness) both in clear and black filaments!

Many thanks, the layout is not great to be honest and probably could do with a rescape, but that is a lot of work to rescape so lets see how it goes and how it evolves 😉
For those that are interested this is my current dosing regime, has been this for around a year now!
Very interesting. Yet to make the information complete, would you kindly add the mineral composition of your tap water (or whichever else) that you use for your tank before mineralization/fertilization?
Very interesting. Yet to make the information complete, would you kindly add the mineral composition of your tap water (or whichever else) that you use for your tank before mineralization/fertilization?
To be honest I do not care or perform any water tests, I go by what the plants tell me and adjust accordingly, at the end of the day the most important thing is CO2, and if you get that right, fertilization is the easy bit! and the thing that everyone over thinks 😉
To be honest I do not care or perform any water tests, ...
If that's the case I can see no reason why you took the pain to inform the community on your fertilizing schedule.
My water contains 15.6789 ppm Mg precisely PLUS unknown amount from my tap. 🤣