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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

Beautiful. I'm begining to think all of mine are male🙁 I'd send you a poly box and bags if you'd sell me something that is definately female.
Why did I have the same thought his am.......
Thanks lindy, I'll bear both yourself and Nduli in mind if I ever move any on, currently I'm reluctant to change anything while its going well....I could end up passing on my main reproducers 😉

Brilliant post, just read all for the first time.:thumbup:
Its certainly helped me focus on whats important in a CRS tank.
Im sure, there are plenty of people out there ready to follow your approach and success and set up a similar tank.
A great advert for shrimp keeping.:clap:
Really nice to hear that, thank you 🙂
Such a cool tank, congrats on such successful breeding. Plants look nice and healthy as well.
Thanks Dan, tempted to put gas on it to enable some more variety with the plants though!

Ady - spotted first berried CBS tonight. Well chuffed. Focus on water changes and keeping detritus down seems to have worked.... Fingers crossed they will survive. Please don't think this means I won't consider any of your cast offs 🙂
Great news mate, it's fascinating seeing the way they fan the eggs and move them around 🙂 now you'll have a nail biting four weeks or so wait, checking out that berried shrimp day in day out, then all being well you will have a nice surprise one day when you spot the first shrimplet!....then you'll spend hours trying to spot more!
Good luck mate, keep up the maintenance and don't over feed....it's surprising how well they find food themselves!
Ady, i have some experience of shrimp breeding from Sakura and some limited crs experience (more luck than understanding) just chuffed that I think I have the understanding now. 🙂 I love spotting the babies in the tank. Get the kids to join in, they love the fact that that they are perfect miniatures. The Sakura in my main tank seem to be starting to berry again as well after a few months off following co2 poisoning incident. Journal to follow on main tank when I get time.
Ady, i have some experience of shrimp breeding from Sakura and some limited crs experience (more luck than understanding) just chuffed that I think I have the understanding now. 🙂 I love spotting the babies in the tank. Get the kids to join in, they love the fact that that they are perfect miniatures. The Sakura in my main tank seem to be starting to berry again as well after a few months off following co2 poisoning incident. Journal to follow on main tank when I get time.
Ahh, cool, yeah my kids love shrimp spotting too. It's quite incredible how they are so small, yet like you say perfect miniatures of the adults....even the colour!
Shame about the co2 incident mate, i know how that feels....Good news about the Sakuras now though, I'll look forward to the journal. I have only ever bred CRS, I can't breed any others!!
Little update:

Added some lobelia cardinalis cuttings from the studio tank to see how they fare with liquid carbon. Shrimp have already uprooted some as it has no roots as yet! Spotted 2 more berried shrimp also.



Day do you run with the top off?
Hi Rich,
I run the top off for better temperature control....more for the summer months really but with the house being set on a thermostat and heating on 24/7 then there isn't really any downward fluctuations. In the summer though it can raise a few degrees and the open top seems to keep it more stable and allow it to cool quicker. Also any heat generated by the light unit isn't trapped or exaggerated in the water column.....
well that's my reasoning anyway, right or wrong??! Lol
ive noticed a few of the older shrimp in particular are showing signs of translucency in the white banding. Also the diet I'd been offering was limited to Hikari crab cuisine and the odd algae wafer so I've expanded my offerings to include some Genchem foods which offer calcium and mineral supplements and claim to enhance white banding.....we shall see!


lso the diet I'd been offering was limited to Hikari crab cuisine and the odd algae wafer
The more foods you mix the better, have a word with FWS they have quite a lot of foods for shrimp.
ive noticed a few of the older shrimp in particular are showing signs of translucency in the white banding. Also the diet I'd been offering was limited to Hikari crab cuisine and the odd algae wafer so I've expanded my offerings to include some Genchem foods which offer calcium and mineral supplements and claim to enhance white banding.....we shall see!



Hey mate,
I recently have done the same, And noticed maybe a little difference in colour. They absolutely love them though, thats for sure.
Water change night last night. In trying to prevent strays working their way into the filter chamber through the slots when i remove the filter foam, I popped in an old riccia stone. Before I had chance to add anything else over the other slots the shrimp swarmed!


Thanks for the confirmation about the food too guys and gals, it seems they do indeed like the Genchem white pellet food, they swarmed for that too! It seems to break down a bit easier and faster than the hikari crab cuisine, so they can break pieces off which means they all get some. They grab and scamper, sit and scoff!
Still to try the biomax, seems you have to mix that one with water first.....any tips?
Quick update.
Still going well, no more shrimplets yet, but one very close to dropping.
There was a jumper shrimp last night 🙁 My youngest found its dried body on the floor this morning and threw it in the washing up bowl while the wife was doing the dishes in an attempt to save it...the wife nearly jumped out of her skin! It was an adult too. Id just done a water change and had topped the water right up, its happened once before and a little reminder to keep the water a little lower.

Heres a picture i took, which has somehow become corrupted during upload, but i quite like it so have posted it anyway:


Re: Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Shrimp ordered.

Were you at Aquatics Live last year? I think it was the Aquajardin stand had 3 shrimp tanks in a row...ADA Do Aqua range though so a bit pricey. They looked lovely and were well executed with a single piece of wood cut and running through them all to tie them together with a left, centre and right scape....i can but dream!
A bit of food for thought if you hadnt seen them already, not the best shots but it gives you an idea.
Ill look forward to a journal too :thumbup:





Can anyone tell me what size these three aquariums are?? Great journal, I just read the entire thing!
Can anyone tell me what size these three aquariums are?? Great journal, I just read the entire thing!
Cheers PM.
Just go to the Aquajardin sponsor forum and ask them which size they are:
Aquajardin | UK Aquatic Plant Society
They also have a few sub forums on these set ups, but ive looked and there doesnt seem to be a size listed anywhwere.
Oh dear, looks like your tank might be over crowded if you have jumpers. I'm sure I wouldn't mind if you'd like to send some up here, purely as a favor to you of course😉 Kidding about the over crowding but YOU HAVE SO MANY SHRIMP! Its not fair:bawling: