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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

its happened once before and a little reminder to keep the water a little lower.
I would always say keep the water level at 1.5cm below the top of the glass, I haven't found shrimp lately but I do find the odd pond snail.
Been dosing 1.5ml daily easy carbo for the last week, up from 1ml previously......seemingly no ill effects on the shrimp, there are new shrimplets too, no issue 🙂
Been dosing 1.5ml daily easy carbo for the last week, up from 1ml previously......seemingly no ill effects on the shrimp, there are new shrimplets too, no issue 🙂
Your living at large mate!!!
So many people have trouble keeping them alive and your overrun with them and been chucking in thee old easy carb!! 🙂

That corrupted pic you posted did look pretty good, work of art by accident 🙂 🙂
Couple of photos.
Anyone know why the crs i put in my other tank has changed colour pattern compared to these in the nano. In the third picture that shrimp is nearly all red with very minimal white banding....is there a reason for this?

Nano tank shrimp:


Studio tank shrimp:

thanks for any ideas 😕
Just testing uploading video on new computer.
Seems i have uploaded it wrong as only in 320p and cant add music.
back to the drawing board :bookworm:

*EDIT* testing uploading one from the phone camera too:

I bet this tank is really eye catching! I love seeing all these shrimp in a big colony. It looks super clean!
Maybe mineral deficiency ? Are you using just your tap water for this tank mate ?
Hi Tim,
yeah, remineralised tap water for both. Sera salts for the larger tank Salty shrimp for the nano. Large tank is slightly higher TDS with more swings. Dosed with pressurised c02 and EI ferts. Maybe just environmental conditions, just wondered if there is a specific reason for it. The banding isnt transparent, just the white bands are very narrow as you can see.
I bet this tank is really eye catching! I love seeing all these shrimp in a big colony. It looks super clean!
Cheers Ian, ....maybe not super clean :couchpotato:

Got a few more plants to add to this, a little echinodorus reni (got one for the other tank too), and some mini hairgrass from Ryan (nayr88) - thanks mate :thumbup:
One night this week will do a bit of a tidy up and plant new additions.
I knew I'd seen one of these somewhere. If you look at the CRS article pinned in the inverts forum, in the grading bit with pics the last photo is of a 'super red' It looks very like yours!
I knew I'd seen one of these somewhere. If you look at the CRS article pinned in the inverts forum, in the grading bit with pics the last photo is of a 'super red' It looks very like yours!
Thanks Lindy, youve got a good memory :geek:
Your right, it does look a bit like that, maybe just not so good a grade, thanks for the heads up....a nearly 'super red' 😀....all on its own, could be the start of a breed line if i had the inclination. Crazy how its this one shrimp in the other tank that has coloured like this.

Crystal Red Shrimp Grading


funnily though, this is what the shrimp looked like a while ago.....i think......I did add one more tiny shrimplet at a later date but have only ever seen the one, and it is now quite big so i dont think its the one i added later.

Anychance it was a fertilised female that hadn't dropped her eggs yet because I don't think it could change pigment like that. Red is red. white can lose pigment but not change to red? I recon there must have been babies born in the tank and both parents must have the genes for more red. Pretty cool, you could have two distict colonies🙂 .
Hey, NanoJames, join the back of the queue! A few of us have already offered the same favour😉
In the third picture that shrimp is nearly all red with very minimal white banding....is there a reason for this?
Looks to me just like a low grade CRS.
Apologies for my multiple posts, and for the phone quality photos for such a question, but seeing the images above on gradings got me looking around at my shrimp. I don't really know much about the grades, and its never really interested me, but do breeders simply improve lines from 'better' shrimp, and can you just get lucky with your offspring to do so? I seem to have some now to my eyes which are improvements on my original 'a' grade shrimp, to tigertooth, s grade V band and possibly even SS grade double Hinomaru.....is it simply down to the markings/bandings or is there more?

For example, the shrimp below looks to me like a tigertooth:

and these ones s grade V band (the pigmentation on the top shrimp especially is not solid, is it this that effects 's' gradings? can you get just V band CRS for example, or is it simply the V banding that makes it an 's'?):
Notice the difference in band shape between the two shrimp and the lack of red colouration on the tail of the V band shrimp:

and perhaps an SS grade double Hinomaru? Or halfmoon?:

I have more which look to be of better than A grades,



I seem to have a few which are getting towards higher grades but would be interested to hear what makes for a higher graded shrimp, is it markings alone or do other factors such as strength of colour etc play a part in 'labeling' grades?

Here's a slightly better video of them after feeding:


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