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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

nduli said:
Quick question but how did you shut off the holes in the bottom of the back wall? Given I am rescaping at the weekend i want to see what other options are available to me. Currently it's a bit of plastic milk bottle and gravel.....
Hi mate, I didn't block them off, luckily the height of substrate is to the left and low enough to be just below the lower inlet at the right hand side.

Ian Holdich said:
These look great mate, well done!
Cheers Ian :thumbup:
I love dropping some food in now and watching them all appear.
What a great read your journal was better than most top selling books!I hope you keep it going lots of help to us all with the highs and lows!Cheers mark
What a great read your journal was better than most top selling books!I hope you keep it going lots of help to us all with the highs and lows!Cheers mark
Thanks Mark :thumbup:
heres a shot taken just before christmas, needs a good tidy up again as im still being slack with maintenance. Sand foreground needs the aquasoil removing and the moss is starting to look a bit shabby again....must do weekly water changes!!
Shrimp still battling on though, another female ready to drop anytime soon 🙂
Must admit, im getting a bit of an itch to do something else with this tank now :wideyed:......

@westy, if I was ever going to move them on I'd happily give you some, just don't feel confident posting them!

Did a water change last night, TDS currently around 160ppm so getting it back down again slowly. There are that many shrimplets in here now that every time I clean the filter they creep through the slots into the filter chamber. I always find several in the filter floss too which I have to try and carefully remove in a bucket of tank water and net out back into the tank before I clean it!
I need to tidy up the sand foreground but trying to figure out a way of doing it as there are so many shrimp that I can't just syphon the aquasoil off for fear of sucking loads of them out into a mucky bucket of water....

Took a few pics on the phone tonight after I'd broken up some bits of algae wafer as a snack:






No idea of numbers, maybe anywhere between 50 and 100?
Looks like a lot more than that 😉 when I stripped down my tank I though I had about 100 shrimp in there in the end gave up counting when I reached 500 lol
Just uploaded a short video taken the other night during a water change....they all came out to play!
Poor quality, reflections, no music and shaky hands but here you go:

That is unreal

Please tell me your selling some!!! I'd sent you everything you need to send them back??
WOW!!! Can't believe how many are in there

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awesome mate, will be good if they do take to your other tank or your gunna have a stocking issue soon lol
Cheers bud. Yeah, think ill give them a go int the other tank, maybe 5 and see how they fare.

Cant believe how many you have lol!

That is unreal

Please tell me your selling some!!! I'd sent you everything you need to send them back??
Ha, I may be, Westy is first in line if I do move some on....he also offered to send everything I'd need to post them as this is where I wouldn't feel too comfortable.

Thats mint mate 🙂
Cheers. Bet your shrimp tank is filling up too tho mate?

WOW!!! Can't believe how many are in there

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Me neither, I switched the filter off for water change and out they all marched....I don't know where they all hide when the filters running! Even when I feed them there doesn't seem this many.
looks great mate and like other ppl said there is a lot of shrimp in there lol keep us updated
