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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

Ady, what are your water params these days? Interested in Tds, ph and gh. I have just checked my Tds and surprised to find its hit 170, ph is betwen 6.5-6.8 and gh around 4-5 but no signs of berrying. Do you regularly water change to keep the Tds down? Weekly? What mechanical media are you using just the 2 bags of ceramics that came with the tank? How often do you clean out the filter bits? Are you running purigen? Are you running the pump at maximum? Lots of questions....sorry 🙂
Top draw shrimp show!mark
looks great mate and like other ppl said there is a lot of shrimp in there lol keep us updated

Looking good fella very impressed.
That tank is heaving with shrimp, damn!
Wow that's a lot of shrimp. They must all be worth a fortune!
Much appreciated!
There's a few in there now. I think I've got lucky really...a combination of being blessed with good tap water for CRS and trying to keep TDS at good levels. I also think that the aquanano tank has a lot to do with it also, the filter is really big for the size of tank and I'm sure will help keep water quality good. I also use a product called Mosura Bt-9, a beneficial bacteria supplement after every water change. The plants aren't the most prolific or healthy but I'm happy with the shrimp!
Ady, what are your water params these days? Interested in Tds, ph and gh. I have just checked my Tds and surprised to find its hit 170, ph is betwen 6.5-6.8 and gh around 4-5 but no signs of berrying. Do you regularly water change to keep the Tds down? Weekly? What mechanical media are you using just the 2 bags of ceramics that came with the tank? How often do you clean out the filter bits? Are you running purigen? Are you running the pump at maximum? Lots of questions....sorry 🙂
No idea about water perameters...just check TDS before and after every water change. It has been slowly rising due to lack of water changes. Currently around 160, was over 170 last week before water change. initially I'd been keeping it at around 130-140ppm TDS. I'm trying to get it back down to sub 150 with regular water changes again. I haven't been doing weekly water changes of late, probably only every other week at best which is bad given the number of shrimp now residing in the tank. The filter floss I use on top of the foam pad, and the foam pad itself are always very dirty when I clean them which is with every water change. I run the provided ceramic bio media with one small bag of purigen on top which hasn't been renewed or replaced since I put it in! I also have only cleaned the bio media once since set up. The pump is running at maximum, I'm going to strip and clean this next water change as its got a little noisy of late!
I have ADA Amazonia which I'm guessing is helping keep PH at a good level. I use salty shrimp GH+ to increase the TDS of water change water from 70ppm to around 110-120ppm whilst trying to reduce the tank TDS. Liquid carbon and ei ferts at the rate of 1ml each per day (alternate macro/micro dosing days). This dosing level doesn't increase TDS too much, and with only running the 11w fluval light on the tank, it's almost low tech and static....the plants are very slow growing but green, mosses don't seem to flourish, but the tough guy Anubias and fern make up the majority of the plant mass and green colour in the tank! Photoperiod still only 6 hours.
I don't feed the shrimp much, maybe 6 or so hikari crab cuisine pellets every 3 days. I'm going to look at improving their diet with some different foods now that the numbers are getting high and natural food within the tank will be limited. I never fed them at all for months after I first got them until there numbers had increased substantially.
Hope that helps a bit, like I said in the above post I think I've got a bit lucky really, I don't drip acclimate water at water changes, just pump it in the same as with the bigger tank and there's never any issues with even the tiniest baby shrimplets!
Tank temp is a steady 21-22 Celsius, and water change water is always close to this, but never higher! I prep the water the night before, just fill from the tap with dechlorinator added then leave to stand in the house to warm up to room temp. Then add salty shrimp GH+ to get the TDS right just before topping the tank back up (it's really fast at dissolving and this way I can get TDS right even if there has been a change in tap TDS)
No idea about water perameters...just check TDS before and after every water change. It has been slowly rising due to lack of water changes. Currently around 160, was over 170 last week before water change. initially I'd been keeping it at around 130-140ppm TDS. I'm trying to get it back down to sub 150 with regular water changes again. I haven't been doing weekly water changes of late, probably only every other week at best which is bad given the number of shrimp now residing in the tank. The filter floss I use on top of the foam pad, and the foam pad itself are always very dirty when I clean them which is with every water change. I run the provided ceramic bio media with one small bag of purigen on top which hasn't been renewed or replaced since I put it in! I also have only cleaned the bio media once since set up. The pump is running at maximum, I'm going to strip and clean this next water change as its got a little noisy of late!
I have ADA Amazonia which I'm guessing is helping keep PH at a good level. I use salty shrimp GH+ to increase the TDS of water change water from 70ppm to around 110-120ppm whilst trying to reduce the tank TDS. Liquid carbon and ei ferts at the rate of 1ml each per day (alternate macro/micro dosing days). This dosing level doesn't increase TDS too much, and with only running the 11w fluval light on the tank, it's almost low tech and static....the plants are very slow growing but green, mosses don't seem to flourish, but the tough guy Anubias and fern make up the majority of the plant mass and green colour in the tank! Photoperiod still only 6 hours.
I don't feed the shrimp much, maybe 6 or so hikari crab cuisine pellets every 3 days. I'm going to look at improving their diet with some different foods now that the numbers are getting high and natural food within the tank will be limited. I never fed them at all for months after I first got them until there numbers had increased substantially.
Hope that helps a bit, like I said in the above post I think I've got a bit lucky really, I don't drip acclimate water at water changes, just pump it in the same as with the bigger tank and there's never any issues with even the tiniest baby shrimplets!
Tank temp is a steady 21-22 Celsius, and water change water is always close to this, but never higher! I prep the water the night before, just fill from the tap with dechlorinator added then leave to stand in the house to warm up to room temp. Then add salty shrimp GH+ to get the TDS right just before topping the tank back up (it's really fast at dissolving and this way I can get TDS right even if there has been a change in tap TDS)
I hate it when people say no idea of my params when they are so successful 🙂 just jealous. Met a guy called ste in leyland with the best jungle tank i have ever seen with sss crs and Sakura in there and loads of fish and he was very similar didn't know the ph, gh or even Tds and all was fine 🙂

Thanks for the full response. I have a few things to have a think about today and take action on. Water change and filter clean the first I think and a more stringent water change regime. (Much to the misuses annoyance)
I use salty shrimp but haven't been adding to water before a change been adding it once the water was in tank.will swop round.

I am amazed by your tank, some great work gone on in there.
I hate it when people say no idea of my params when they are so successful 🙂 just jealous. Met a guy called ste in leyland with the best jungle tank i have ever seen with sss crs and Sakura in there and loads of fish and he was very similar didn't know the ph, gh or even Tds and all was fine 🙂

Thanks for the full response. I have a few things to have a think about today and take action on. Water change and filter clean the first I think and a more stringent water change regime. (Much to the misuses annoyance)
I use salty shrimp but haven't been adding to water before a change been adding it once the water was in tank.will swop round.

I am amazed by your tank, some great work gone on in there.
Hi again, and thank you, although im not sure ive worked hard :lol:
Keeping the filter/tank clean is very important though, as any organic build up etc is not good for the shrimp as i understand it from the guys at FWS.
i never test with test kits anymore, as after joining this forum have read many posts (from Ceg/Clive, amongst others) suggesting the various inaccuracies and subsequent problems they can cause. Although i dont test so dont know for sure, I do have some idea of the perameters of my tap water as when i was doing a bit of research before setting up the tank (Thinking of setting up a CRS tank..... | UK Aquatic Plant Society), i listed readings given for GH and KH from my local water authority. Darrel kindly did the maths and said that my GH and KH were both around 2.5 from the tap. For ideal perameters in this thread which im sure youll have read, A Guide To Crystal Red Shrimp | UK Aquatic Plant Society, it suggested i needed a slight raise in GH and reduction in KH to get 'ideal' perameters of 4-6GH and 0KH, so i used the amazonia soil to reduce KH and stabilise the PH, and bought the Salty Shrimp GH+ to raise the GH slightly.....so educated guesswork really, which seems to be working 🙂 I did get an email from Freshwater shrimp about the dosing amounts of the Salty Shrimp GH+ and how much it alters GH, but i just tend to dose it based on the TDS and get that right and it seems to work. A lot of what i do is based on judgement of TDS at water change time. If its high in the tank like now, and im trying to reduce it i add less gh+ to the water change water to reduce it slowly, (maybe no more than 10 TDS at a time in the tank measurements). I much prefer to alter the gh of the water going into the tank as this way TDS readings arent effected by other factors like in the tank from fert dosing etc so i get a constant to work from....really im not sure it makes any difference, but it keeps any swings less drastic before they are addressed, even over a very short period of time...in my mind at least!!
Im sure that some of my practices would come unstuck if i were to get higher grade shrimp, but im happy with these little fellas, do exactly what they say on the tin....Red and White stripes 😀
Hope that adds a bit more food for thought!
Bloody hell mate there's some monies worth in there! What a great little aquascape, really complimented by shrimp! Love love love!
Cleaned the sponges and fair to say they were filthy, added some floss in at the top too. Think I need to be rinsing the sponges more often. 🙂 Tds down to about 140.
Yeah it's surprising how dirty they get, even after a week!
I'm sure the shrimp will be fine, but I'd maybe bring TDS down slower in future, over the course of a few weeks maybe 10tds per week as shrimplets may be more sensitive to large changes. Maybe you won't need to if your doing more regular water changes as it may not creep up that high again....170 would be ok, I've read up to 200 is acceptable, but I'd aim for around 150 give or take.
Keep us posted on how things go mate, fingers crossed.

How would you specifically raise and lower TDS in a tank?

Cheers Mate 🙂

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RO water and either more or less GH booster.
Bloody hell mate there's some monies worth in there! What a great little aquascape, really complimented by shrimp! Love love love!
Thanks very much Ian, I do love nano's.....especially at water change time! 🙂
No particular reason to post, only that this is about as good a photo as i could take so thought id share it :snaphappy:

Beautiful. I'm begining to think all of mine are male🙁 I'd send you a poly box and bags if you'd sell me something that is definately female.