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Re: Aquagreen (pic heavy p20)

Evans esque use of surface reflections there mate, very nice :thumbup:
You must remove your fish for water changes looking at that last photo though :lol:
Re: Aquagreen (pic heavy p20)

cheers Ady, the fish never come out during water change...shame really!
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

A vid from tonight, tis all growing well at the moment. The mosses are doing well. Check the vid...pleasewatch in 720p or upwards

Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

Ian.... you have copyright issues with the music on there it appears as the video wont play.
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

"this video contains content from Beggars, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
That's the message I'm getting.
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

Its a beaut and very calming, must be nice to relax in front of that of an evening!
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

cheers guys, and yes Ady, it is nice to sit and watch after a stressful day, which are now becoming more frequent.
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

Wonderful tank Ian, im jealous! How i can't wait to get to the stage where i can sit back with a glass of wine (or pint) and just relax infront of my tank. Well done.
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

thanks Iain!

these lot are a little more feisty than normal chocolates. Still great to watch though.
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

Lovely tank, very tranquil - even the fish looked chilled.
Re: Aquagreen (NEW VIDEO P21)

Lovely tank, very tranquil - even the fish looked chilled.

thank you Troi, the fish are really slow and calm in this tank. Apart from the odd gourami scrap.

another nice vid mate only could you make them about an hour long so i can watch your tank while my wife watches soaps seriously though your nature aquarium is inspiring and the vaillantis are stunning colour of the first one is amazing nice photography ian

thank you very much Tim. I make them whilst Corrie is on normally! lol You need to try it, it take the average of Enders and Corrie to make a 2 min vid.

Very nice indeed
Love the fish.
Whats the music

cheers for the comment Hoggie. I'm not sure what the music is, it replaced the original music i put on it. There was a copyright on the original, so Youtube replaced it.